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Everything posted by yourboy

  1. Different topic but extremely small amount of green cassette have been restocked on Universal shop. I got bored and saw how many I could add, 67 seemed to be in stock! https://shop.udiscovermusic.com/products/lana-del-rey-norman-fucking-rockwell-cassette?variant=39557844566093 Go get em!
  2. I don't think it's related to the quantity. There are many noisy CN vinyl so it's just pure luck
  3. Maybe Rick's version that they are referencing is the rough demo/concept demo. Then original version as in the first final product I suppose.
  4. Yeah, I am aware of that but I was curious if their copy was something special! Mine sounded bad even for a picture disc
  5. Wait, your CN sounds good..? My CN sounds like washed up potato earphones that originally worth 50 cents from the dollar store. Ugh
  6. Idk I still think it might be cheaper than resalers Nobody can actually estimate when it's going to be sold out so it really is your own choice!
  7. Then why noy order first then cancel later? It would be a bad choice if you miss it because of taxes.
  8. fUKKKKKKKKKKK SONG OF THE YEAR Omg lanita for latin album xx
  9. UV is only pressed in UK so it is same for worldwide. And I have a bad feeling but I'm certain that LFL might be the same case.
  10. From repress to green snots. Now that is what we call a character development. Shows how shitty the repress is.
  11. Bad cold gives you this coke bottle snot tho but runny nose with this color sounds weird
  12. I collect all the variants and this is much more diff than US and EU clear Chemtrails sjhdkakdkw stupid me
  13. Ooh.. Now we can tell that the restock seems to have different colors for each disc. Side AB is murky yellow, Side CD is champagne-ish yellow. Pretty sure these really are defects after all that weren't put on sale during the initial run. Can't lie but this is kinda cool after deciding not to buy it as I had the original
  14. I can't be so sure about it. The color of the vinyl captured in photos varies a lot.
  15. Just thinking, that photo does look more like the old EU pressing the more I look at it. However, considering the fact that UV was pressed solely in EU, LFL might be the similar opaque vinyl worldwide. It would be weird for them to change vinyl factories out of the blue. But hear me out: When vinyl are pressed in EU, they take a LONG time to arrive at the US warehouse if you think about the time CN pic disc, UV, boobie tunnel took to start getting shipped out. They were Lana Delayed as expected. However this time, LFL was shipped a day before expected release date, which suggests that these US LFL vinyl might be pressed in the US. I am defo keeping my hopes up.
  16. Oh my lord for fuk's sake.. I bought the new one just because I had European blurry ass vinyl and now we're really stuck with this Life is NOT beautiful. Just hoping this isn't the new one
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