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Everything posted by yourboy

  1. Yeah many things seem to be wrong in the thread, aaron is defo not k.. I wonder if there's anyone knowledgeable enough to write a real informative analysis of the song.
  2. Ugh isn't that an appropriate reason for a replacement or refund..? I've seen zero positive vinyl review this time. Makes me nervous for mine.
  3. The hoodie box might be the same flimsy one as Interscope started making this clothing+music product box set for many artists and they seem to be the same materials. Huh.
  4. This is an interesting read. Any thought about this theory about Fingertips being the continuation of Drive By? Who could Aaron Greene be.. The one who died from an automobile accident? Or the one sentenced to death row according to Drive By? This is very confusing..
  5. HOW CAN HEART VINYLS BE BACK...? Are they repressed..? Gosh I can't believe I don't get to live in cali
  6. wait but which Lana store did you use? IF it is a box set, it might be CD one I guess.. Vinyl box set will never be that cheap considering all these overpriced stuff
  7. My UK super bundle hasn't even been shipped out yet... Am I the only one who's dealing with this...?
  8. Amazon didn't make it though! But it truly is disappointing and I must file a complaint about this... This is so wrong on so many levels.
  9. The space between her lower lip and the end of her chin, to be exact. But now I do think it's just the lighting and the angle that made me thought it was a bit off lmao
  10. Idk why but her chin looks weirdly large.. Neil kinda fucks up her face often
  11. What's going on with fake shit now... gosh kinda evil for those hoping for the box set THIS IS PERSONAL
  12. It really isn't but people aren't ready for this conversation Music box sets have always been announced first with all the vinyl and CDs. but God I miss the UV days with decent box set. Actually UV box set back then was very boring considering the Paradise box full of photos and exclusive vinyl and digipak inside. But now we have tees and hoodies like WHAT FUCKING HAPPENED IN INTERSCOPE TO MAKE BORING BOXES?
  13. MINE TOO OMG MY FIRST SHIPMENT THIS ERA!!! lazy ass fuks lana stores have to go
  14. I get that there are lots of people including me manifesting a 'music' box set, but it's kinda clear now that there is no box set this time. Not to be rude, but can yall not bring this up for onceThis question has literally been asked EVERY single page
  15. Oh I thought it was the latter one. The previous one, people say it's "and I'm crying right now to get to you, save you" but I'm honestly not sure. 'Right now' sounds strange... or she just pronounced it weirdly..?
  16. Now that's some weird word to be in the same photo as Lana kpop del rey
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