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Everything posted by divebarsinger

  1. this is all so cursed but isn't a post that surprises me one iota. this essentially justifies white supremacy and misogyny and i'm so fucking done. called it tho hey know what built the western world? FUCKING SLAVERY and the intentional underdevelopment of africa. i am sickened over here. i'm out
  2. this. i'd like to point out 'PC' is a term largely used to undermine and invalidate people's care about others' justice and equality as if it's new, trendy and always disingenuous because it's "unnatural". there's nothing 'politically correct' about not being/not wanting to be a shit person
  3. some of the revealing and dodgy dogwhistle phrasing on this page, jesus
  4. all these fantastic posts by you guys only for them to be not read or ignored within 3 pages
  5. one of the best posts in this entire thread tbh. also.. a lot of these 'difficult artists' people talk about who have behaved similarly are long gone and did this in the 70s/80s when there was no social media. what's deeply irritating about this is she's using social media in order to engage so she's clearly not being a 'hermit' who has retired from public life. artists behaving like this do so less and less frequently because the music industry isn't what it used to be, it's highly competitive, people actually buying music is dying. money is made mostly from tours, so with that in mind it doesn't make sense for her to be touring with the same stale set list she's had for what in the industry is an age now
  6. i mean, not that she needs it but she's clearly not grasping greedily for extra cash at this point cos there sure as hell isn't gonna be the interest in the book that there would be in the album. it's integrity from her at least and in a weird way i can respect that
  7. imagine if she reads this and still doesn't release the album. cold heart, cold, cold heart. a beating stone in her ribcage
  8. what i think is interesting is how glamour girl lana also had a vulnerability about her, which is i think partly why it was relatable compared to this incarnation. i think coupled with the music, so much of it felt like what it can be to be a young, insecure person finding their way. it's shallow as fuck but like "ok so i'm really miserable and my heart is broken but hey my hair is did and i'm making the best and it makes me feel less like killing myself ok."
  9. it is her life, but actions also have consequences and being famous means she influences others by default. she's also in a position of wealth which means power meaning these actions oppress the community much greater than it would if she wasn't rich and famous and 'ordinary' people being this way is bad enough. this also isn't just a church, this is an organised institution worth millions of dollars. they're dangerous as fuck. people are personally invested because someone essentially condoning that your identity "is not ok" IS personal, it just can't not be. to enjoy someone's work, to spend your money on them, to watch them become ludicrously rich on the back of your support for you to be rejected when you've found refuge in their music. it's hurtful and i just think for most people it can't not be political, not when we're talking survival and trump's america especially i do understand your viewpoint, however. i just think you're kind of lucky if you can feel that detached from it
  10. i hate to bring it back around again, but i think you have to kind of look at the growing resentment towards her over the hillsong thing. we can love her music sure, but her recent behaviour has deeply hurt her LGBT fans and i think it's just an understandable way of directing anger sure it can seem "mean" but what you've got here is someone with wealth and power who is essentially condoning harm to a group who have fought for decades for safety and still are, i think there's a lot of conflict for the fans right now. it's the bigger picture, this has gone way beyond the music she puts out imo
  11. ooh i can feel the storms brewin' in my solar plexus area
  13. at least we now officially know it was a total piss in the wind
  14. i feel like she's really uncomfortable posing still tbh. always think she really shines when she's photographed or filmed quite naturally
  15. both sides now by joni mitchell is about the album that never was 'norman fucking rockwell'
  16. *dresses like a victorian widow* *flower blooms and dies*
  17. i love how this is fast becoming an 'in memoriam' thread
  18. i mean i loved it but i think we probably need to accept she's moved on and isn't 50s beauty queen anymore. was a key part of her initial 'brand' sure but she's effectively and boldly telling us it's absolutely dead with these covers
  19. lmao we just can't leave this toxic relationship. the sex is so good
  20. uhh if the album was actually on its way sometime soon you'd think it would be about the album. she's a singer first and foremost not an author and let's face it she'll probably sell way more records than books
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