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Everything posted by divebarsinger

  1. i like that it's a departure from what we expect of her, i just don't know if i actually like it
  2. obvious i know but i'm guessing this obsession with modifying her looks is "very LA" as well though isn't it? and she's all about that life. who knows what she sees when she looks in the mirror, can all become very distorted especially if you're comparing yourself to others all the time and you're surrounded constantly by people who have had work done, good clinic or bad clinic
  3. all you did was defensively project what you assumed i'd said as if i was attacking lana's success or NFR. you didn't even read my posts
  4. as i've just said, i know this. god you would literally pick an argument with a tree
  5. yeah i wasn't saying her career was over and she'd be living in a trash can, i also wasn't saying NFR wouldn't do well should it be released whenever. i wasn't even talking about NFR, i'm talking in terms of PR
  6. she's squatting and pooping on her own career at this point. i get change of decisions can happen but making announcements and then not delivering, this just gets weirder and weirder particularly as she seems relatively happy
  7. do we know what the fuck happened with stella?! whether they fell out or drifted or whatever?
  8. look at her laughing at us. look at her!!! https://twitter.com/normanrockwhale/status/1134950011664568325
  9. is this written for that CEO or whatever she apparently had a 7 year affair with?!
  10. false alarm, i just wasn't logged in... -face to camera-
  11. he's deleted tons of his tweets, the little shitbag edit: he hasn't i just wasn't logged in, false alarm lmao
  12. thing is this is very premeditated and his updates show that, there's dates and everything. this isn't just someone tweeting her several times a day with no reply saying "this is my favourite song." or whatever ugh what a weirdo
  13. FUUUUUCK https://twitter.com/fouchbraam/status/1130537287572443138
  14. someone from Cali will probably know more about appropriate departments but i think a good idea is just to be casually like "hello, i have concerns about this man's online behaviour towards one of your high profile residents, i have screenshots and i think they're alarming."
  15. i know we're fans of drama around here....... but i'd say yes or at the very least report him for harassment. what's concerning is how he's talking like this is all definitely going to happen, he's showing intent idk how this goes in terms of twitter rules, but this is fucked https://twitter.com/fouchbraam/status/1130906482172674050
  16. i'm reading his page and...... fuuuuuck
  17. i would do screenshots so you have evidence if it's needed (i know you've probably done this already but he could delete just a heads up in case)
  18. what does he think they'll do together nowadays? attend church in casual wear?! jk. no it's awful she's subjected to shit like that, i'm just being bold
  19. she's just tweeted support for liverpool football team. one of the replies was "i wish you were a scouse!" and as a brit i am howling laughing tbh what a different discography that would be
  20. where do we begin... -gets on glasses- -sits back in armchair-
  21. to me she's behaving like she's peaked, i dunno. i remember her saying she "had to make" her first three records, that it was non negotiable. she had something to say and needed to express it. LFL seemed quite forced, the songs we've had from NFR are back to her melancholic self in a more stripped down way. i feel like she's struggling for something to say, she (clearly) isn't naturally political or what you'd call diverse in terms of subject matter (not successfully anyway), she can only really write about the difficulties of fame for so long. i'm starting to think what she's about is pretty limited, not suggesting i haven't loved that but like... where does she go from here?! i think we'd be lying if we said a lot of her inspiration wasn't vacuous, doesn't mean she hasn't made beautiful music and imagery out of it but she also isn't a 'mainstream' type artist and i don't think she fits into that narrative very comfortably even if she wants to. it's all very weird, but i can also understand why creatively that makes it quite hard for her
  22. i feel she kind of already has a little, unless she hugely brings this back with a damn good fucking record and damn good promo. LFL was a huge slip and in my opinion her work is to fully come back from that, it's whether she wants to edit: horrendous religious cults aside obv
  23. "i've been in the studio a lot lately, i find when i'm recording i like to wear... -changes subject to clothes- -end-"
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