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Everything posted by divebarsinger

  1. no one said she didn't have problems. you're purposefully not reading what's been said, we were specifically talking about trauma and her potentially covering subjects there's no indication she has personal experience of as part of a 'persona' being denied financial support but also knowing you conditionally have financial support to fall back on if you make lifestyle changes is entirely different from socioeconomic based poverty where you die in the gutter with no other options, so yes.. although it was bad for her it DOES sound privileged compared to a lot of others circumstances sorry
  2. this. the way people are missing nuance and extremely personal feelings informed by experience here are making me so tired lolol
  3. i don't know, it's bad i realise but don't a lot of people fuck around taking selfies and recording stuff in their car? obv it's bad when they're holding the phone in their hands while actually driving but even if it's on the dashboard on a stand it's a distraction. youtubers are terrible for it what i'm saying is i don't think it necessarily indicates anything about her personally, it's just really fucking stupid and far too common
  4. i've been here 5 fucking minutes and i could smell it
  5. i'm not suggesting they're rare, i'm suggesting they happen predominantly to certain demographics and in certain circumstances and not others which means although not uncommon, they are not universal all trauma is legitimate but a lot of what you're listing here is not trauma. trauma is also a medical diagnosis. trauma is associated with shock specifically, non violent/non sudden deaths, illnesses and losing your job are not trauma. alcoholism and addiction alone of themselves come under a different umbrella unless we're discussing things like withdrawal and almost dying of it. please don't make me do this with you cos it's gonna be unpleasant
  6. think we need to look at the definition of 'trauma' here. i think it's being used too loosely. sadness, heartache, fear and disappointment are universal, 'trauma' is not necessarily. trauma is associated with sustained abuse and witnessing certain things that often create PTSD, these things can be life threatening. i agree artists take things as inspiration, but what she's carved out for herself is a pretty consistent 'persona' that undoubtedly creates romance around things that relate to trauma, not just sadness, heartache, fear and disappointment understandably people who suffer everyday or even struggle to live due to trauma will feel resentful if this has just been an accessory to her. there's a fundamental difference between writing about things and creating a character embodying these things that no one is sure is genuine one example, as i said previously... is her making that unreleased video with marilyn manson that enacts her being raped obviously no one knows, no one can truly say what's real and isn't and this is what is mysterious about her but i totally get people's deep resentment if this is all just an image. it depends what you've personally experienced
  7. yes because enjoying her music means she's immune from criticism and people are one dimensional creatures who can't have mixed feelings
  8. i think there's absolutely a difference between going through actual trauma though and going through things most people experience? it depends on your classification of trauma i mean.. did she not do an unreleased video with marilyn manson that effectively glamorised rape?
  9. you're not being too sensitive at all! it's personal and it's deeply painful and as you said, everyone deals with these things differently. it absolutely will annoy me if it ever comes out officially that this was all entirely a character of hers. i.. would say though this is probably one of the main questions there is about lana and why her authenticity has been questioned a lot, aside from people wondering if she writes her own songs
  10. same. obviously i'm not suggesting this is true of everyone who is a fan but...... she strikes a chord because i think a consistent theme in her lyrics is denial. she often talks about horrible things and highlights the "beautiful" or "glamorous" aspects of them, which in hindsight is incredibly fucked up. and.. it's also easy for someone who can easily remove themselves from those situations to do that, but it's also something people stuck in them often have to do. so.. it probably creates this weird discord between people who glamorise things they've never known because they're able and those who have HAD to
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyquqw6GeXk
  12. see i've also had these experiences, but i've romanticised them in order to deal with them. i agree that not everyone feels that way and why the fuck should they?! if they don't why shouldn't they be offended by this schtick. it's understandable
  13. absolutely, i mean for a start she really isn't the first to do this. in fact it's quite a traditional approach, which is i think what separates her from a lot of other artists and as you say, why i found her interesting in the first place. she's a dreamer and her 'thing' is escape, she moves through decades and subcultures, some that are long gone and romanticises everything. what's funny too is how obvious that seems as a concept?! others haven't done it like her though. she clearly feels little pressure to be 'current', as others have said it's probably why an indie label would be more suited to her problem here though is the definition of 'rich' which can be very subjective, did she not do this simply because she spent years not talking to her parents?
  14. good point, she may have "lived it"at one point but it was performative and not out of necessity. think this is one aspect of her that makes me so uncomfortable if i'm really honest
  15. i feel this, mine is like "let me comfort you conflicted boys with scratched faces, for i have the horn." crack your beer on my ass ok
  16. this. she's said repeatedly, regardless of her own class status she has a thing about 'the underbelly' like kerouac or whatever. look at the kinds of men she's talked about?! would imagine some of those characters would definitely "crack beers" while sat smoking in their boxers lmao, even if you find the phrase jarring in the song's context she could also be paying homage to how they'd personally phrase it. this is the stupidest debate yet i'm finished edit: in that song she also talks about them having cuts on their face, fighting and getting high so.. i don't think they'll be carefully sipping martinis
  17. oh cracking a beer is working class now?! she also wasn't talking about herself cracking a beer, she was talking about john doing it. wtf is this shit
  18. Hope > HBB > HTD > SFBSH > MAC > VB > DT yes i threw a couple of others in the mix shoot me goddammit, i want her sad country girl shit
  19. yeah, this is my feeling too. it's also why her cover of skeeter davis' end of the world is one i love
  20. me watching people finally realise doin' time is good, but still won't be entering our lana top 10 finest killer material
  21. they've finally got her speaking in tongues and denouncing the devil at hillsong. rip
  22. at least we can now confirm it wasn't a picture of herself from last year as the cover. unless it was and she just got her hair did the same cos she saw she'd been rumbled lmao
  23. jesus, this makes it sound like she might get dropped by her record label!
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