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Everything posted by divebarsinger

  1. i feel like her attempt to move away from her 'brand' in order to branch out was contrived to the point where it just became awkward, corny and uncomfortable. politics and happiness just don't seem like natural subjects for her, i don't think they're things she really experiences. plus there was loads of oversimplified clichés in there lyrics wise, i think she struggled on that album and you can tell
  2. i'm loving the slight promo but i feel she's still just fucking around, i mean is she not doing this partly cos she has to promote the film?! the film isn't hers so people are probably like "promote the single for our film pls."
  3. y'know radio kills me, i think on one hand she's expressing how happy and fortunate she's become and on another she's calling out how alienated she's felt and revealing how much she still cares about people's indifference and wanting their approval
  4. genuine question, did any of us become fans of lana because she wasn't a sad, horny, dissatisfied "failed beauty queen" who constantly felt insecure and abandoned by people she loved and dreamed of a different life, even when she was slut dropping to heavy bass and a killer dance melody? lmao
  5. i liked summer bummer, but it was also so 'her'. idk, what doesn't help is she's now carved such strong, continuous imagery for herself. she uses the same themes repeatedly and even a lot of the same lyrics, her breaking from that will be really hard. on LFL she tried to do that and failed so bad
  6. some of the problem for me is that she's SO emotive and personal as an artist and even her bops on born to die (which i'm still not bored of) were emotive, this is a great cover and i think it has radio play all over it (whether this happens or not is a different matter) but it wasn't written by her and it just... doesn't move me, maybe because i don't associate it with her or anything she's trying to say about herself it's partly why love did nothing for me, again great song.. but i didn't feel she meant 50% of that album and was instead trying to move on from this 'sad girl' image she's created... when actually, she seems like a restless unsatisfied person
  7. she's dropped songs and fucked off so many times without releasing an actual album or giving any input, stay frosty guys. i know we've been renewed but let's not delude ourselves. everyone sit down, anyone for a cold beverage? this is me. it's great but it's not memorable, it's just not
  8. i've listened to this most of the afternoon and it is great, but i'm defo getting 'ehhhh' feelings about it and i think in a few weeks it'll enter that same ballpark as love for me. lana can do a great bop and the ones on BTD for example still drag me after all this time, this just....doesn't. will always love that she never changes pronouns though cos i think it's super important and one of my pet hates
  9. if this had been an original song from her i think i would've actually died from joy I AM SO FRUSTRATED. it is killer tho
  10. ..........it's really good, but i think in the future we'll suggest it was forgettable, we're just so in need of material from her at this point. i may change my mind but i'm not blown away right now
  11. honestly get the feeling she's trying to channel her old life and would probably suggest her new friends are keeping her grounded, the hillsong thing is horrific but doesn't surprise me cos according to her she joined a cult years ago, she's all about that 'finding herself' shit. it's how it looks to me and now... i will make effort to stay on topic
  12. same here. i just increasingly feel like she's so obviously made compromises to get where she is and she's incredibly done with it. a sublime cover is fun, it's what she'd probably have done when she played bars idk
  13. not doubting her heart isn't in it cos we have no album, but i dunno.. she's echoing her lizzy grant DIY type era aesthetically. we can theorise forever, but when she signed in again to her miss daytona twitter account she seemed really nostalgic aside from everything else that may be going on with her
  14. not in the UK anyway, cos A. she won't promote it and B. it's not a remix with anyone else involved/isn't a soundtrack to a massive movie
  15. you angel! thank you xoxo
  16. she has risen and has been blessed by the curling tongs angel, praise the lord amen
  17. (i know this is laughable cos we have nothing from her) but all this also makes me wonder what direction she's actually going in future wise, that is if she doesn't retire completely lol we've had the image change, but this is her actively introducing herself to a totally different fan base. which defo makes the theory some have had that she's trying to enter the 'humourless straight men' arena seem possible. also it sort of explains her potentially being bored of NFR, she's clearly moved on already all her past references to heavy metal too, the potential for her to alienate everybody even further seems possible and career suicide clearly doesn't bother her
  18. i just want to know what model that vape is cos ngl i sort of want it
  19. i really don't get the 'cinnamon in my teeth' part and what it has to do with anything, plus how does a kiss get things in your teeth. makes no sense. i get having cinnamon ON your teeth, but IN your teeth as if it's stuck like broccoli or something?! yes i realise how desperate this is getting now. just drop the damn song lana
  20. i will laugh my ass off if she just recycles the same cover she had for hope. like i will actually die
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