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Posts posted by sjatib

  1. I feel like I’m on a boat lol the cover art is really fitting well


    I get what you mean. Specially the transition to the pre-chorus, and the use of the guitar on it. Reminds me a lot of the most delicate pieces done by John Frusciante, as Venice Bitch already did. 


    This one -mix of the original Bowie's song in which Frusciante collaborated- is, i think, a good example of the echoes of his work on Lana's new sound.



  2. I am going to SPECULATE that:


    Serial killer = serial heartbreaker


    Either that or it's like passive suicide ideation.


    Or both.


    Ye, don't misunderstand me. I get it's a metaphore of fearing to enter a relationship with someone who's risky to be with in terms of emotional/affective stability or whatever. I don't think Lana is talking about a real "serial killer", obviously.


    What I find problematic is the language and the figures she finds "suitable" to refer to human relationship topics. It's a form of symbolic power which she's actually a victim of. I've always felt bad for her whenever discussing her love affairs on her music, because the tendence is always to elaborate on them from a very violent and submissive perspective -maybe Ultraviolence is the album where she shows that more explicitly-. Anyway, just thinking and sharing with you. 

  3. Hey.


    Just was thinking about the lyrics on NFR, and noticed that some of them may rise again a huge cultural controversy surrounding Lana.


    I'm thinking specifically about HIAB ones... "If he's a serial killer then what's the worst that could happen to a girl who was already hurt?"


    How do y'all think critics and social movements will receive this kind of messages since we -fortunately- are right now in a world-wide explosion of reivindications towards women rights?

  4. I've been quite haunted by the snippet since it came out, and just realised it sounds as a beautiful, mature mix between what Bel Air and Is this happiness represent in sound terms. Anyone else has noticed the simmilarity?

  5. Love you!

    side note: love LFA and Lana but isn't it a tad bit ironic that she released this the morning after she attended churchome which mostly supports the NRA i'm-


    I think she may not even be aware of the political landscape that allows the mass shootings to happen, actually. I mean, she's shown herself to be anti Trump and that's nice, but she clearly isn't diving deep on political matters nor has she done it before either. She has many times romanticized about weapons in her songs, just as a part of the USA imagery she's so in love with. A mass shooting is something that breaks everybody "in a cellular level" (as I think she said), but the reasoning concerning it isn't going further in Lana's case. Maybe with time she will be able to come with broader conclusions about the social events that cause conflict within her. And that would be amazing to see, actually. Imagine her looking at her previous work from a gender critical perspective, per example. 

  6. Guys, this is completly random, but I would just like to say thank you for making up LanaBoards. I've been lurking on and off since 2014 and after my show last month I started to become really excited about Lana again and I decided to come here more often and keep up with y'all. Not only it's nice to be in a place where I could read or write and fangirl about the singer I hold the most close to my heart with other people who somewhat feel the same, but it's been really important to me to find a distraction. I'm on summer vacation, don't have that many friends or things to do (or the will to do something more elaborate), and I'm going through some sort of heartbreak right now and trying to relearn how to go through my life without having someone in my life the way I used to have.

    There's some drama around but that keeps me entertained too. It's amazing how we have so many different views about something. You're all pretty funny and talented. Looking at some of your posts has been really comforting these past days when I'm currently feeling the most alone I ever did in years, so, yeah... Thank you   :rollin:

    This is cheesy but let me heal in peace. One post short from page 3000.


    Guys, this is completly random, but I would just like to say thank you for making up LanaBoards. I've been lurking on and off since 2014 and after my show last month I started to become really excited about Lana again and I decided to come here more often and keep up with y'all. Not only it's nice to be in a place where I could read or write and fangirl about the singer I hold the most close to my heart with other people who somewhat feel the same, but it's been really important to me to find a distraction. I'm on summer vacation, don't have that many friends or things to do (or the will to do something more elaborate), and I'm going through some sort of heartbreak right now and trying to relearn how to go through my life without having someone in my life the way I used to have.

    There's some drama around but that keeps me entertained too. It's amazing how we have so many different views about something. You're all pretty funny and talented. Looking at some of your posts has been really comforting these past days when I'm currently feeling the most alone I ever did in years, so, yeah... Thank you   :rollin:

    This is cheesy but let me heal in peace. One post short from page 3000.


    Even coming from slightly different circumstances, I kind of feel the same as you about this site. I read it for months -maybe since late 2018-, then decided to make an account, and I've felt so comfortable just standing here, reading amazing views on the most and the less important topics, and laughing so much (I still can't forget that post about NFR's deluxe edition coming with a kit to grow your own moths).


    So thank you all for creating such a warm space for us to come and for making us stay.

  7. "Its me ur lil venice bitch", "goddamn man-child", "culture's lit", "fuh ih ah luh yuh", "cinnamon in my teeth", that cringy ass line about all the pills, every single line we've heard from Bartender...


    But I think the 3245456677889th party dress might have done it for me


    The lyrics are even worse than usually. And dont get me wrong, I think she's one of the most interesting famous artists in last 20-30 years, maybe, but her lyric-writing hasnt been good since her beginnings, and it has just got worst as her career went by. What we have heard till now from NFR... Atrocious. I can't, really can't believe she is still mourning about party dresses (at this point, is just a charicature of her already charicaturized self) and parties and shit. The point with Lana is that, even getting that incredibly absurd lyric-wise, she still develops incredibly captivating songs, being Venice Bitch the last huge example of that: maybe the worst lyrics of her whole career -and that is not an award easy to be winned, given her awful writing skills-, yet one of her most hypnotising, undescriptible beautiful songs ever. I don't think we actually have to worry about that, just resign and enjoy as it wont stop the whole to be so enjoyable. That's Lana.

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