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Everything posted by CmonDownToFL

  1. Guys I hate when you fight & I try not to involve myself because we deadass just come on here to discuss this artist that we all have common love for. We should all respect everyone’s opinion & I’m not saying I enjoy the arguing BUT we do need to get to 4000 pages so...... LETS FUCK SHIT UP
  2. I still can’t believe they sent the cassette early
  3. Well I think that it’s rude of you to be a fan since the same year as me. We’ve been suffering for the same amount of time
  4. Fine actually for the sake of reaching 4000 let’s fight. I think you’re a huge binch for having that really pretty pic as your pfp
  5. Ladies we need to work harder if we want to reach 4000 by the 30th! Turn turbo mode on on your fingers!
  6. “Intercom quality” I said I wouldn’t listen to anything again until the 30th so I just sing it
  7. People who slow dance while crying to UV are on a higher level, this is a scientific fact. Well ladies, we’ll be able to eat (and dance) again thanks to Mr. Normie.
  8. T. Also idk about your cities but in mine the mail service ppl are so lazy, they literally won’t deliver packages unless they feel like getting the extra steps into their fitbit.
  9. Me too, that part made water come out of my left eye
  10. I think she meant you don’t become a new person, your shit & demons follows you everywhere. New beginnings are bullshit
  11. Guys I’d love to help you but I don’t have a link I’m just imagining the songs in my head
  12. Can’t believe California, Cinnamon, The Greatest & fiily literally fucking beat my ass and then kissed me! Then nfr & bartender tucked me in. What a fucking honor
  13. The question is which ex is 6’2? Chase is 6’1 & g greasy is 6’4. Much to think about
  14. Well the glass shattering in BAR is alive & breathing
  15. She said there was no bangers on this album. So she lied. For the millionth time
  16. Yeah could be! But that means they wanted it to sound like that because they didn’t re-record it. Fbi hire us we solved this fuckin case
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