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Everything posted by CmonDownToFL

  1. WAIT GUYS What if the weird effect when she says “turn the radio on, dancing to a pop song” & the fuh it’ll i luh you is meant to sound like that bc she’s trying to sound drunk & or high?? I think it would make sense considering how well spoken she usually is. I am eating and had a bit too much wine. Born at the teet
  2. FUH IT I LUH YUUUUUU I really dewwwww Gets evicted for being too loud
  3. I’m sorry I can’t help you since I have no link but you’re right this is a sisterhood. I can send you a voice note of me yelling the song at the top of my fuckin lungs in my bathroom while my mom is telling me to shut the fuck up from the other room.
  4. Where is that post of someone saying jack’s production always feels like it’s gonna lead up to something explosive & then never does? I want to read it again because they explained it so well. I love the new songs but that doesn’t mean I’m cool w jackoff
  5. We didn’t know that we had it all But nobody wants you before the fart
  6. Do we believe that rumor of Lana recording a song for Birds of Prey? I’m a fucking DC dork so I may have to put my red nose on. Who wants to do my fuckin makeup? Ah shit, here we go again
  7. My guess is the whole “culture is lit & I had a ball” thing was meant to be a contrast between current slang (almost meme culture) & old fashioned slang. Kind of like a reference to her famous lyricisms almost always being old fashioned & well spoken. I don’t think it’s directly about the slang itself but more of a “I’m hip & down w the crowd but I’m still me” type of thing. I’m horrible at explaining stuff. I hope this shit made sense to at least one person or I’ll eat my phone, bone app the teeth
  8. What were you guys saying about the end of FIILY? I lost the post. I think someone said “I can’t unhear it”
  9. The drums after “guess I’m signing off after all” The fucking guitar
  10. Noah fence but why are your posts always so fucking funny
  11. Guys what happened to @vitaminlana I hope they’re ok I haven’t seen a post in a while but it could just be that I’ve missed them. Also do we think miss thing is still w chase
  12. I thought from the snippets these two bitches we’re gonna go off. But I was wrong. They went the FUCK off.
  13. Waking up to my friend already having the songs ready for me to listen to: priceless. The realest bitches on earf
  14. Queen of thinking, queen of cohesiveness, queen of being respectful
  15. It’s pretty dark. It’s a nice contrast though, in my opinion. It’s not what I was expecting, I’m glad it isn’t a sappy luv song - miss thing knows how to make us hurt while dancing @ the same time
  16. Finally some good fucking food I’m feasting on a plate of The Greatest & a big cup of Fuh it I luh you
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