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Everything posted by CmonDownToFL

  1. Sknsjsksksksk cadie you KNOW DAMN WELL how I feel sis
  2. Everyone who hates the album cover is just being fucking negative. Grow up & accept that she’s changing. Ok now that the album cover lovers stopped reading: who’s gonna take one for the team and photoshop her into a dress with her hair blowing in the wind? The Superman text HAS to go. Let’s make this godawful cover into a beautiful sight
  3. Me getting ready to listen to BAR & act surprised as if I don’t already know it by heart
  4. Never thought I’d see the day I thought Coachella was better than anything But yes. The flower of this era is the flowers clown have which spray out water but instead of water, it squirts matcha & grey water
  5. That it’s oooooooover Baby how’s your butthole now! That I toooold ya
  6. This is so much easier on the eyes. If only someone could just photoshop her outfit into a dress or something
  7. The fact she wasn’t embarrassed to openly say she was too lazy to shoot a cover for her literal career This bitch is sum else I tell ya
  8. The fact we still have a whole month to go Well at least we FINALLY got a solid date bitchessss
  9. The music is the only thing that’s going to save this era so I pray that it’s worth the wait. I don’t want “bangers” but god, I hope so badly that they won’t all be the same-sounding boring ballads. I was so fucking excited to hear about the RHCP vibes & surfy/rock undertones but we’ve yet to hear them with the exception of VB, probably. I hope at least some of them have stayed true to her description though we know how that goes with miss thing I’m so excited to hear but I also am afraid to get my hopes up
  10. Okay I’ve analyzed the picture long enough. With a dress & her hair flowing in the wind, it would’ve made a world of a difference. Her nails aren’t great but I can look past that. Without the text it looks way better too. I wish someone would’ve advised her but oh well. The tracklist is annoying considering we’ve heard most of them but we knew that would be the case, I’m just excited to hear the 3 (?) songs we haven’t heard at all and the songs she’s been teasing for so long. BAR is old news but I’m glad it got it’s fitting home & I hope it’s been reworked at least so that we can say some aspects are new to us. Doin time should’ve never been on the album though, I’m CHUCKling at that. It’s coming gays & girls, it’s finally here. Can you believe this torture is coming to an end?
  11. Omg no text & her in a different outfit would make a world of a difference. That edit is proof
  12. You bitches who know how to photoshop well hold so much power & don’t even know it
  13. You get my point. She can afford it money wise but not effort wise
  14. If someone knows how to photoshop or at some point finds the cover but with her wearing a white dress or anything different please let me know!!!!! I’d love to save it for my library
  15. Hey can you please send me however many different versions of this that you have? This is soothing without the original text
  16. Sis I been saying this for the past 79 pages!!!!! It would make a huge difference!!!! With her hair flowing in the wind ugghhhhh I’m squirting
  17. Well at least it’s actually coming lmfao Gays we have gone through this long journey together & I sincerely look forward to losing my mind with you all for the next album (if there even is one)! Even those of you who have different opinions than my own, we’ve been in the same struggle & now we’re about the reach our goal for better or for worse. Norman’s Fucking Fuckfest is alive and hyperventilating
  18. I liked this because I always say the bar was set so fucking high after West Coast. Nothing compares but I guess that’s what happens when you birth the holy grail
  19. One time I was parking my big ass truck in a little spot and that part came on and scared the shit out of me I thought I hit someone’s window
  20. Although I’ve already had BAR & agree it’s taking up space, I also will say this is the most fitting album for it so at least it got it’s appropriate home.
  21. Do we think this is the cover her manager didn’t like? Or is this second option?
  22. Do you guys realize that complaining about other people complaining is just as annoying? My beautiful sweeties, let people express themselves, that’s what this whole website’s for! If you’re excited about that cover then good for you! After this long wait I’m glad you’re pleased with it. But also let others be unhappy if need be
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