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Everything posted by CmonDownToFL

  1. I can’t believe something is finally happening. My brain can’t even grasp what’s going on, my brain cells are running around in 10 inch pleasers, bumping into each other & screaming
  2. Take a shot every time you think about NFR we’ll all be dead within an hour
  3. Because if you complain about anything a woman does, you are a misogynistic, Hillsong-loving, homophobe. This was literally confirmed by all the sciences in the world. Use it to your advantage! I ran over my neighbor’s dog & I told them it’d be misogynistic to get mad at me so they didn’t!
  4. I hope you’re right but it’s hard for me to believe she’d be able to make anything that would even hold a candle to WC nowadays
  5. same, please bring a copy of nfr when u come visit me in jail <\3
  6. I hacked the website and got the cover. Ben & Ed will be calling the authorities on me soon so please prepare bail money
  7. That picture has the exact overall mood & color scheme I expected for this album
  8. Though icky, it would make sense. I forgot about that post. God I guess she really loved those chords
  9. Love this but I do wanna ask, is Chase the father? Things are so unclear I feel like it isn’t even safe to assume
  10. I’ve said this before & it’s proof that great minds think alike
  11. Lana Del Rey is dead and someone is pretending to be her but they’re not even putting effort into into it tea
  12. I sure hope so sis because I think we have enough lullabies
  13. I think it’s more possible we’ll get a cherry video
  14. That post about the books was the most “Lana” post she’s put up in a long time But yeah sis we don’t want to summer read rn we want to summer hear the album + summer see the visuals
  15. Yeah I’m sorry but after this wait, I don’t want any fucking covers lmao. Trust me I have a list with a few songs I’d kill for her to cover but right now? No ma’am. Noooo ma’am.
  16. Well something is happening aug 16 & I’ll keep saying it until at least one of you believes me
  17. Are any of you genuinely still excited? I mean, this has been draining. I’m numb to it, maybe I’ll have joy once I finally have it in my hands but until then I will actually kill myself if we get any more covers during this era
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