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Everything posted by CmonDownToFL

  1. If this is about the cinnamon thing: I was literally going to say “wow that joke flew right over his head surely someone has to realize it’s a fuckin joke” but then I saw how others thought it was someone being serious too & I decided to put myself in a coma.
  2. Can you please delete this pic of me? My hair looks a bit oily.
  3. I’m logging off for a bit..... much to think about...
  4. Us: She’s gonna say something this week, she HAS to. She’s definitely getting ready for the release at this point. Lana:
  5. Norman’s Fucking Fuckfest is better, in my humble opinion.
  6. There’s no place like it! Disney World doesn’t hold a candle to LanaBoards. If you block out the occasional bad taste, it’s really magical. Lana is purposely dropping NFR during the time of the year when my depression hits the worst, ugh her mind! Wig? Snatched. My will to live? Snatched. My meds? Off them. My therapist? Working overtime. She’s a genius
  7. Yes, according to madness, cinnamon is actually called cinnamon girl. Stronger is called California SweetHenny has a fantastic theory which I will include below & I think that’s all for now! Good to have you back sis
  8. Yeah it’s true. I think you missed that she’s also going to be printing her poetry book Violets Bent Over Backwards & Into my Ass on toilet paper & then make a book out of the sheets; it’s cost effective & flushable. Also, stay tuned for the single dropping soon: Spicy Spice Heterosexual Young Woman
  9. Yes yes that’s exactly what it is. :flop: I’ll do your makeup if you do mine!
  10. This is off topic and the SWAT team will be knocking at your door in 5 mins so be ready
  11. A song that’s not a boring ballad doesn’t automatically equate to a banger good sis
  12. I actually had a thought yesterday (one single thought, I allow myself only one per week). What if the snippets she’s been sharing are not the final versions of the songs meaning we won’t actually get a whole album of boring ballads. Maybe they’re just stripped down, early versions she’s been teasing! Oh I’m such a talented clown
  13. What song are you guys gonna listen to first when the al boom comes out? I think I’ll listen to Cinnabon Female first
  14. Omg you people. What’s next? You’re gonna ask for an ALBUM COVER? Geez where does it end. Can’t a girl just do the least she can?
  15. Calling me sweetie is misogynistic, you wouldn’t do this to a MAN would you? Lana don’t drop nfr some PEEPOL don’t deserve it
  16. You’re misogynistic for calling her “old” disgusting, absolutely terrified to leave my house. Change Lanaboards to misogyny boards challenge Well honestly that’s the only pic I’ve seen that I actually would not mind having as the cover. It’s missing the car but it’s hot mama
  17. People are going to attack you, you’re so brave. This is tea & I’m loving the taste
  18. Lana during this era: Fuck these little fuckers, I’m not gonna livestream or give any solid info. I’m using selfies for single covers! You know what? I’m gonna tease them & not give them anything. I love the words soon & top of the year! The bare minimum is my middle name Us, poor stans who are absolutely traumatized & somehow still hopeful: do you guys think she’ll give us visuals? Omg double album coming
  19. Look I don’t trust anything miss thing says but the al boom is coming in August & that’s that on that
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