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Everything posted by CmonDownToFL

  1. I was running some errands & I got to thinking that I thought Maybe I’d get less stressed if I thought less of Norman Roswell
  2. Omg finally someone brought up this concept, I like to sing MAC to my bearded dragon
  3. No I actually wanted to ask you guys a good question, what color do you think the vinyl will be
  4. Well did you see Ben’s 3 second live stream? They’re all equally lazy sis
  5. Omg did you hear about miss thing’s new leak, “Go Outside”? I probably won’t listen to it. It’s gonna be on NFR for sure though, it’s coming in a little bit
  6. What are the chances NFR will have a surprise drop? Like what if she actually just announces shit the day before or a couple days before? My mind is still set on September though. Maybe later
  7. If I was in need I feel like it would be fair for her to give me a blood transfusion because my support (buying her albums, merch, etc) has given her the life she has so I do feel like she’d owe me a blood transfusion if we are being honest.
  8. Would you guys stop :~~~( lets think about who’s really the enemy here: Lona. Release the fucking aboom Lana you’re turning us against each other, we see your intentions u little slutty worm. This is the last time I’m gonna say it reles Norman!!!!!! Anywells, been at work wot have I missed, any news?
  9. Wait why did everyone hate the father John misty performance? I didn’t see it so I don’t know. Also when’s miss thing’s next show? If she doesn’t say anything about the al boom it’s safe to assume it’s not coming in August although I already don’t believe that much
  10. This has to be one of the most talked about albums without there actually being an album
  11. Thank you darling, I appreciate it. It makes me feel a lot better to know I’m not alone with these thoughts, this is why I love coming on here. Some of you are very special to me & you don’t even know it Say less I don’t know how warning points work and I don’t want to get any so I’m just going to kill myself
  12. For Christmas I want a private group chat with my favorite ppl from here. Also since NFR is coming out in December she’ll rework some of the songs into carols & maybe I’ll finally like Christmas Eggnog In my teeth From your kiss Jingle my bellsssss In Your Sled, Happiness is a Gingerbread, How to Decorate, North Pole Bitch, Marinade the Chicken Complex, etc
  13. I absolutely agree with everything you said & I couldn’t have said it better. As hard as it is to imagine, I’d rather see her retire an icon than to see her ruin her legend with whatever is going on right now. Thank you so much sugar! I feel the same about you & your posts, a million kisses for you both.
  14. Guys ok I hate these fucking “I have inside info” posts because they’re obviously fake but please you have to listen to me, I can’t even believe I’m fucking typing this because I’m always like “that’s such bs” but my best friend’s ex boyfriend’s cousin’s mom’s coworker’s deceased’s uncle’s neighbor was about to piss themselves so they ran to the nearest building to take a piss and that building happened to be interscope and in the restroom she overheard Benjamin say “ugh lana doesn’t want to releas albom bekos someone on lanaboards said something mean about her ears” and also that she’s planning on releasing it the 3rd of March of 2020 since its international ear care day. Believe it if you want but these are my fax
  15. You little trouble maker. I did this yesterday and instantly regretted it. But to answer your question, it’s going to be a really yellow piss color to symbolize how she’s taken a piss on all of us & how she hasn’t been drinking enough water bc she’s too busy driving & doing sex with chase
  16. It doesn’t let me quote LanaFlowers but good sis you are so on point. This is the shit I was talking about at the beginning of this era but even with L4L I already had the feeling she wasn’t the Lana we knew anymore. She doesn’t care because she isn’t trying to make it anymore. Very sad, disappointing & honestly quite heartbreaking for those of us who have loved her for so long. I’m not mad about her changing, I accept it although it’s sad but what’s upsetting is the way she’s treating the people who literally make it possible with our love & support for her to continue making her art. I’m over it at this point because it’s been a while now & I’ve gotten used to this new person she is or, maybe, this was her all along & she’s just now showing it. With an era like this, what more can we expect for the future? Remind yourself it’s not about the wait or wanting to take a break, it’s about the kind of treatment she’s giving us, I’m sorry but the teasing is becoming mockery at this point. She could’ve been happily living her life without dangling new snippets at our noses in a “oop just kidding” manner. Just sad is all. And I don’t want to hear she doesn’t owe us anything just shut up u little slimy worms let me and my gurls n gays be sad. This too shall pass
  17. There’s no al boom There never was! It was all a publicity stunt powered by Norman Rockwell’s family to make a coin of his last remaining pieces that were for sale
  18. I love you so much, I do. I want this to be true so bad & I hope it is but my sweet darling, this woman can’t be bothered to even tweet us a brief update. I just don’t see it happening. The al boom is going to be a blurry picture of her laughing & there will be 8/13 tracks of jack playing the piano while she farts in the background. You can come over to cry with me if you want, nfr crying party
  19. Ok you know what lona. Suicide pact anyone? I get out of work in like 11 hours
  20. I mean I wouldn’t be surprised, in fact, it feels more realistic for it to come September (or later) than actually in August but I’m trying to figure out who said the September thing
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