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Everything posted by CmonDownToFL

  1. VB sounds so good live. That drop after “if you weren’t mine I’d be jealous of your love” it’s so powerful. Wow I can’t wait to see this hoe live again & the confetti! Such a cute detail that makes it all even more magical.
  2. I wish she’d chosen a style that wasn’t so similar to yesterday’s dress but I’m just grateful she’s actually wearing dresses and not leggings. The effort is showing mama yus
  3. If she ever gives us another album, I hope it’s some actual sexy rock n roll shit. I’ve been wishing this since hearing her sing Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door. At a GNR show, I also remember thinking how nice it’d be if she covered a couple of their other songs but maybe I’m biased because I love them so damn much. I also had a dream she covered In Every Dream Home, a Heartache & it was just divine. Her voice & an electric guitar are the sexiest combo in my dreams
  4. Good morning sweets, Lettuce send positive wishes & energies to Lana for her set today. Lettuce continue being MySpace baddies. & most importantly, Lettuce pray for NFR news & that he is given freedom soon or truly, in a little bit. Ciao
  5. And what ever happened to her & Jesse Rutherford, weren’t they working on something? That little clip she posted seemed cute & promising. I think he even tweeted about it
  6. I’m sorry but based on that trailer, the movie doesn’t look good & that’s saying something considering a trailer is supposed to capture the viewer. If you can’t get the trailer right then what’s the movie gonna look like? I can see why they need all this promo. I suppose it doesn’t look terrible but it looks like a Disney channel version of Charlie’s Angels. As far as lana’s involvement, I feel the only reason her or her team accepted the offer was for promo. Even though she doesn’t care for it, I don’t see any other reason why she’d do it. I can’t really imagine her doing it exclusively because she wanted to work with the other two girls & I, for sure, can’t picture her hearing that song & loving it/wanting to be on it just for the fuck of it. I think it’s all in the name of NFR
  7. I noticed she seemed like she wasn’t too into it but what stood out to me the most was the way she said “the album coming in a little bit” We have to entertain ourselves somehow
  8. Miss Keisha I’m gonna @ you because you’re right. Why didn’t she just say 2 months again? Why “in a bit” & why in such a weird way? She looked like a little nervous kid. Either some shit went down or we’re going mad again. I hope nothing bad happened but if it did, delays won’t surprise me anymore. I’d rather be hella skeptical than fall for it only to be disappointed. Seeing our history, it’s not being pessimistic it’s being realistic.
  9. Dude I swear I thought the same thing. I hated that, that’s why I said it gave me more worry than hope
  10. YusssssHe nearly cracked his skull, got stitched & went to work. Miss thing should take some notes on worth ethic from mr thing. “Thanks I hate it” Do you guys think there will be a tour for NFR?
  11. Stop I love that man so much. I feel like they won’t give him his chance because of his age though I bet he loves Lana & is also begging for nfr Your picture In a little bit can mean tomorrow or next year, in lana time
  12. I don’t think anyone wanted them taken off the album for any bad reasons, just to make space for songs we haven’t heard yet
  13. you people are hilarious I can’t By the end of this set we’ll have a better date along with some exciting news. This information was given by a reliable source. Obama will also be there.
  14. When blue jeans played she said “sing along with me” Sis was like can you just sing it yourselves at this point
  15. She loves torture. “this next song........ it’s one of my favorites on my record........ I really hope you like it........ it means a lot to me & I... I just loved making it.” *blue jeans plays*
  16. He went live for what, 2 seconds? Didn’t want to waste data I suppose. Maybe when Duo Lingo drops her album he’ll be able to afford to live stream for longer
  17. I think the cherry will be cinnamon. It’s coming in a little bit
  18. She said “this next song is from the new record coming out......in a little bit. It’s called Marinara’s Apt complex” That “in a little bit” gave me more worry than hope Queen of only using adverbs of time & never specific dates
  19. He stopped the live Let me know if any of you find any live streams please!
  20. I wish she was wearing what the dancers are wearing, don’t love that color but the dresses are sexy
  21. Let’s take guesses on what we think she’ll wear. I think she’s gonna wear a g string & rain boots. Hby?
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