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Everything posted by CmonDownToFL

  1. They did a convincing job on her face but the hair and outfit gave it away
  2. The hair is saying 2015 The fillers are saying 2019
  3. This isn’t what I meant or wanted when I said I was gonna stan Ashley o instead
  4. Agreed, I hope we’re wrong but I cringed just reading it. It’s either going to be terrible or surprising. Sis happy late b-day btw
  5. This is more fun to think about than G Greasy or spaghetti boy even though that was hard to believe to begin with
  6. Let’s plan a Miami night drive in a convertible w all of the cinnamon lovin babes
  7. Right? I’m glad you think so too! It’s a little Friday night bop
  8. If it wasn’t because I love the original so fucking much, id listen to that alternative version a lot more cause she’s so cute. I’m not a fan of remixes but now that you mention this, have you heard Ultraviolence disciples remix? It’s the only Lana remix I’ve found & actually don’t hate
  9. Does anyone else have an undying obsession and intense relationship with West Coast? That song is like a fucking drug. I hope I feel something even a tiny bit similar with nfr
  10. That filter should be illegal to be Norman fucking honest. I was wondering that yesterday too though Let’s ask ourselves, are we excited because we actually love the snippet or because we’ve been starved for so long that we’re excited to have something new finally. I ask myself this. I think a little bit of both but mostly the neglect has driven me to be excited for anything I can get
  11. I wouldn’t be surprised if she put that snippet up just to keep us busy and excited until the festivals are over & go back into hiding. Now we have another snippet to overplay & be less excited when it actually drops. Anyone else feeling a bit of hope yet still indifferent?
  12. Goddamn lana You fucked us so bad that we almost Un stanned Now that yesterday’s excitement wore off, I can still say I’m pissed at her and nothing at this point will fix the way she’s been treating us. She’s a queef and I grow less and less excited for the album every day. Still I love her but posting a low effort snippet won’t save this era. Girls and gays, stand ur ground!
  13. Yeah I don’t know how to feel either. It’s like you get neglected by someone and they come back and give you a really nice moment and now you’re in love but ur also like wtf little bitch I haven’t forgotten about what u did but ily mama
  14. Still can’t believe we got fed today Even if it was the equivalent to 3 grains of rice She’s probably gonna sing it on the 22nd & say it’s “coming soon”
  15. Imagine if she would’ve made a cute video for that snippet without that god forbidden filter. I would’ve squirted at twice the velocity and force
  16. She got fucked good and decided not to follow through with the rhcp vibes
  17. Hate that fucking filter but I don’t even care rn I’m squirting
  18. Imagine if she just doesn’t post for another 6 months LMFOAKSKSSMA Wow I just finished grocery shopping is this bitch serious, I’m sitting in my car playing it over & over. My ice cream is gonna fuckin melt
  19. It do make cents luv LONGIN DOL RELL I LOVE YOU MAMA!!! Forgive me for my meltdownsBbB!b
  20. It do make cents luv LONAaaaa I LOVE YOU MAMA!!! Forgive me for my meltdownsBbB!b
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