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Everything posted by CmonDownToFL

  1. I have yet to find any artists that I’d say is similar to her. If you guys know of anyone with a similar sound to ultraviolence please lmk
  2. I never understand why when you listen to Lana the suggested artists that come up are always Marina, Halsey, Charlie Xxx & all that shit. Even when you ask ppl for suggestions they say they’re similar and they really aren’t. I do like marina out of those but the only similarity I can find is they both have vintage aesthetics and their lyrics are from a sad girl perspective (most of the time) but even like that they’re different. Imagine comparing Lana to those other pop, high pitched, demons. I literally HAVE to scream or I’ll pop
  3. The good thing about this thread is you never know what’s gonna be going on. I left during the Doin Time topic, came back to homophobia & North Korea. I’d trade it all for a stairway to Norman! I’m starting a petition to ban Roachella from all music platforms, please lmk if u wanna sign
  4. I wanted to like Guns and Roses so bad when I read the title, I have Slash’s signature tatted on me but that song... she’s such an ugly bitch. Roachella is competing for ugliest bitch too though
  5. I completely understand, I apologize for being born. Trust me this is not what I wanted either! Wow who knew True Beautiful Woman™️ rules were so precise. Good to know! I will be removing my ears to prevent any future bullying
  6. I can’t remmeber if I was really high or if at some point someone was very angry and talking shit about lana’s ears. Was that real or did I hallucinate that? Either way I’m still confused and laughing
  7. Well I don’t follow it closely but I do like learning so one day I will! Thank you sweets
  8. Oh man I’m sorry things are that way. I think we’re conflicted is all buuut again I don’t know much about this stuff. Idk, I don’t think I’m a shitty person, I have put everyone before me to the point it ends up biting me in the ass but I do notice in order to keep everyone happy I sorta live 2 lives - one for me & one for them. There go the twins I guess. I blame a lot of it on mental illness though & idk where that would fit into astrology. I respect it but I don’t follow it
  9. Idk shit about astrology but I do know I’m a Gemini with Scorpio rising & people think I’m the devil and I’m like ???? What in the fuck did I do wrong. I feel you Oh not sure about that, but I believe it! She’s a gal of many characters
  10. I don’t mean to alarm you but as a Gemini, this is humor to us
  11. Wasn’t that Marina’s? I don’t even know tbh. I love you but you don’t understand me My life is my poetry My lies are my legacy
  12. I know but it’s so funny imagining her scrolling past hundreds of tweets and posts asking about nfr and only stopping to answer an astrology question. She’s hilarious
  13. Has everyone tried the chicken I think the chicken was lovely
  14. Didn’t she wear a little gold necklace that said Gemini?
  15. Dead at her ignoring everything and everyone but tweeting about her sign. I have to laugh
  16. I want this played on a never ending loop at my funeral
  17. Lana girl, I gotta be honest w you. You’re being a real bitch at this moment
  18. Yes but Ellie was auditioning for the part of distraught crackhead. It’s part of Dula Peep’s show, you’ll see
  19. You heard right. I’m saving up for my rocket, you can ride w me if you want sistorr :hooker:
  20. Guys it’s comfirmed Delay Del Rey will perform at the VMA’s as a back up dancer for duo lupus
  21. I have a theory that one day, one or more people from her group of friends will do something that hurts or disappoints her. She’s gonna want to step back from this “baddie” life & that’s when Lana will go back to being the Lana we knew. To be clear, I don’t want it to happen cause I think she’s actually happier this way but that little group strikes me as the high school mean girls type & I think we all know how those friend groups turn out in the long run - for the most part they don’t work out. Until then, she’s going to be submerged in her matcha, soul cycle & hillsong stuff
  22. That VMA flyer is about as real as Khloe K’s ass
  23. Honestly if someone made another stupid ass theory alike the Avril Lavigne dying & her clone taking over story but with miss Longass Wait Del Rey, I would actually believe it
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