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Everything posted by CmonDownToFL

  1. Was just listening to UV & just wanted to say there will never be an album like it. I mean seriously what in the fuck was she smoking when she made it and how do I get 30 pounds of it
  2. It’s true, she would totally say luv specially during lizzy days but I’m running out of theories sis
  3. My thought exactly when I saw it lol. Probably not but considering how we were just talking about the songs we liked & didn’t like...... sis said well I LOVE my songs stupid gays
  4. The Lana we know and fell in love with wouldn’t say “luv” Further proof Lana died and her clone, Longa took over.
  5. As much as I want to believe the next 2 posts will be album related it just doesn’t feel realistic. I’ll believe it when I see it, I’m done getting my hopes up for that little booger
  6. Lmao what is this hoe doing!!!!!!!!!!!! I- Did she just remember she put those out?
  7. Good morning hennies I left in hopes of distracting myself from this terribly awful era but I’ve missed you all & I can’t stop thinking about miss Long Del Wait – I’ve decided to let delusion and false hope ram me in the ass once more! Did I miss anything important?
  8. Ben to Lana & friends when he’s trying to get her to work:
  9. I’m gonna just pretend this is a single from nfr. Omg mom!!!! Yaaasnsnakksskkssksk I love this version of cinnamon!!!!!!! Releassssss don’t teassss
  10. we want to but we can’t, it’s physically and emotionally impossible
  11. Anyway, she’s over. Rip to Norman, can’t say much about cha cause I never met cha Signing off, bang bang kiss kiss
  12. https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx8LP0RHwUY/?igshid=1g8xsfrq5qqxd Me @ this era
  13. So I was right almost.... nice! Also the Gucci ad taunts me too
  14. Imagine she tweets something today, of all days. She’s watching us No but I 100% believe what MoreCruelThanYou said, once this shit is locked something will finally happen. Never underestimate the power of the mind. Has anyone actually had matcha? I imagine it tastes like leaf or powder
  15. And historians thought Queen Elizabeth I was the worst Elizabeth It do make cents luv As much as I love coming on here to stress out with you dolls, I agree.
  16. You said you'd meet me out there tomorrow but the album never came
  17. It's all a joke to me, anyway I cycle a lot Not releasing music while I'm watching my boy So I do what I want
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