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Nick Del Rey

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Posts posted by Nick Del Rey

  1. I'm so disappointed. I keep listening to it and it's really nothing remarkable compared to her previous work. And the fact that this is on the same tracklist with a Stevie Nicks feature.. It sounds like a cheap bop not a quality bop :poordat: Like I get the intentions behind the song were good but it could've been so much better. I'm surprised Rick and Kieron and whoever else assisted with production ok'd something like this when they've helped produce legendary songs like Young and Beautiful in the past. I know some of you guys don't like Born to Die but some of her freshest melodies with Rick came from that era. Compare the songwriting on Lucky Ones, Dark Paradise and American to this. Anyways, I'm still gonna buy the song to support the good sis but she could do better!


    my inital thought

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