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Nick Del Rey

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Posts posted by Nick Del Rey

  1. i hope we get another BURNT NORTON on this record - or an INTRO track that introduces the whole vibe. one thing you can always count on from Christina is a killer INTRO - stripped intro, back to basics intro, bionic intro (not really an intro but that song goes hard), and the ever so great LOTUS INTRO. 


    Lana could learn a thing or two .... 


    I feel like tracks like burnt norton are a waste when we could have one more song that we can actually listen to, it feels like a filler to me.

  2. I just discovered her today and Human, Backseat Love, Taste, Marilyn monroe, The Other Girl, Men of Glass, and Sirens of the Caspian are my favorites, she's SO god wow.

  3. I respect all of your political views, I personally voted for Hillary because I'd like to see more democrats appointed into office. I don't think every single Trump supporter is blatantly racist, even though a lot of his views are. It's a hard choice, I can see qualities to like and dislike in each candidate. For me Trump's cons outweighed his pros. Try to respect each other's different views, don't be so quick to attack! #ImWithHer

  4. I don't usually go into full on speculation mode (especially when we have no official information, like definite dates and what not) but if there's any truth to the supposed November/December timeline that 2 radio stations have mentioned, what would that timeline look like? Announcement in Nov, single in Dec? Could there be a an album release in January to mark the 5 year anniversary of BTD? Just a thought, please don't drag me


    I honestly don't think anyone has an accurate idea of when anything is happening

  5. When did I say he's a music exec the fuck. I don't even know who tf he is I was just asking for someone to explain why you guys trust what he's saying. Sorry. And why tf should I leave this thread lol you guys really need to get a grip. If he's genuinely reliable then I guess I'll leave it alone now but this reaction is so unnecessary omfg.


    I wasn't talking about you, I was talking about people saying that before. I'm just saying if you dont believe him then why are you even entertaining him 

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