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Nick Del Rey

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Posts posted by Nick Del Rey

  1. Oh my god fuck all of you saying they don't care or she deserves it etc. Forget the money and the fame. This is a human being who was just tied up and held at gunpoint. This is horrifying. I truly don't wish to have to go through the same thing Kim did and I'm sure all of you wouldn't either. She's a MOTHER for goodness sake. Could you imagine wondering if you'd be able to see your kids again? Your family. I feel so bad for her. She didn't deserve this. 


    This sums up exactly how I feel. The issue at hand is how dehumanized she is just because she has money, and because she wasn't raped or murdered? I can't believe someone could even say something like that.

  2. This is what happens when you show your entire life on reality show and social media. These people don't know how to be private to begin with, but to show off all your jewelry that are worth millions of dollars when there are people starving in third world countries, people working 4 jobs just to pay rent, the elderly who depend solely on their $600 a month check and those struggling to put food on the table. Food pantries here in NY are running out of food.City Harvest does the best that they can do.


    Excuse me if I don't feel too sorry for this bitch losing all of her 11 million dollar jewelry. I just can't. I know it must have been a horrific experience being held on gunpoint, tied up then had her mouth taped shut, but at least she walked away with her life. She wasn't raped, or stabbed or shot. She's very lucky. Not many can get away from a situation like that. Maybe she will walk away from this experience learning something. Stop showing off those blood diamonds you love to show off to the world and stop sharing every aspect of your useless rich life.







    .... she deserved to be robbed and to have a gun put to her head because she can afford jewlery? there's no correlation, there's nothing wrong with the fact that she can make money off of her name, I'm 100% anyone would do the same if they could. 

  3. maybe because I'm not an angsty bottom but like...BTW has never been that great to me. it's a good album but it's not like the GREATEST album I've ever heard. there's too much filler


    did someone say angsty bottom? :hae:

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