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Nick Del Rey

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Posts posted by Nick Del Rey

  1. I know a lot of people hate the idea of the album being titled Subversive, but I actually kinda like it tbh! I have a feeling one of the tracks will have the title/or contain the lyrics "Short Road" if Eclipse is being legit with his #SR comments on twitter. He teased something like... "But you took the... #SR," that's where I'm getting the idea from.


    Anyway, I'd love an album mixed with a sorta Ultraviolence/Lana Del Ray feel, as well as a dash of that surf noir we've gotten in some of her unreleased. It'd be neat to hear something with a somewhat eerie/dark feel like Strange Love/Velvet Crowbar/Catch and Release. If I'm being completely honest, tho, I'll be happy whatever she puts out because I'm just that much of a brainwashed fangirl.  :defeated:


    did anyone bring up the possibiity of that being "scenic route"?? 

  2. Guys I kinda had like a "vision" about what the video could be like. It could be really upbeat song, and her and James are like driving in a car, on a desert road, going like really fast, and Lana is standing up in the car (Kinda like the Teenage Dream video), and then it could cut to some shots of like the "vintage kids" at their party, with their "vintage music", and then it could have some beach shots of like Lana & James observing the vintage kids while they skateboard and stuff. I'm so excited because I picture it as an upbeat/summer vibe song. I have a feeling Lana is going to pull through. :excited:


    Also I think we can kinda put two and two together and believe "Vintage Kids" will be the lead single. Why else would Lana message Eclipse if he had songs that she was probably gonna scrap anyways. He obviously has something that's important to her, and the upcoming album.  :flutter:

    I also think Lana is stocking up footage/videos for this era so she doesn't have to do anything, and she can disappear faster. Something tells me she's going to be successful again with this upcoming album. I feel like she's actually going to do promotion this time around. She seems really happy, and she seems to care about this album not leaking. 


    you have a vivid imagination boo :thumb3:

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