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rosemead ramada

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Everything posted by rosemead ramada

  1. It's all still available on the UK store https://shop.lanadelrey.polydor.co.uk/ And it's actually cheaper bc you can use the 22LDR25 code for a discount
  2. I could probably buy ten blue BTD vinyls at this point with how much I've spent on shipping this era
  3. Has ANYONE figured out what she what's she's saying between in the beginning of Sweet? Honestly she might as well be singing in Belarusian for all I know, I literally can't understand it at all. What it sounds like to me makes no grammatical sense
  4. They added 12,000 more white vinyl to the US store, in addition to the ~10K (i think) that was the first batch in December and the 2K they added when A&W came out The white vinyl will never be hard to get now They just fucked all the scalpers mwahahhaa
  5. It's been two hours and still nothing. I've gotten instant confirmations every other order I've made. There's a pending charge on my credit card from Lana though so Idk what happened, guess it was placed. Maybe I typed my email wrong in the rush to place an order haha. Just placed the same order from the UK store just to be safe (plus it's cheaper anyway with the code), I can always cancel one of the orders once I find out what happened whew, thank god for the UK
  6. Ugh still haven't gotten an order confirmation like usual, now I'm really getting paranoid bc all the cassettes are sold out Just emailed and surprisingly they responded right away, but they gave me the confirmation number for when I bought the spotify picture disc, not for what I just ordered this morning
  7. Did everyone get a confirmation email right away from the US store? I always get an email immediately but it's been an hour now and I've gotten nothing and I'm getting paranoid about it because the one cassette sold out now and some of the others are in single digit remaining inventory ughhhh
  8. I have this: there's a few parts where no ones sure what she's saying or other people hear different things than i do
  9. I hate that I can listen to the first four tracks in order as intended, but then poor little fingertips is just hanging out where she's not supposed to be
  10. I have like 800 packages that will be coming to me at the end of this month i cannot contain myself waiting for them, i need them NOW
  11. Has anyone figured out what she is saying in the beginning of Sweet? these are my lyrics
  12. I only listened to the ones that are untagged. I'm not going to ruin my first listen of a song with some ugly tag. i remember back in the HM era how for like a month I still expected all these background noises and people talking to appear in songs because I had listened to those UO recordings one too many times
  13. When is this supposed restock coming?! I keep checking the interview site over and over again and nothing ugh
  14. So this entire album (well, almost all of it) seems to me to be about Barrie; she still loves him, wants to be with him, wants to dance and party with him, wants him to "come back to America". Thinking about all the songs with this meaning sort of changes my interpretation of HIADT... the hope that she has and why it's so dangerous, is because after going through all her emotions through 1-13, she still ends it all hoping that they'll end up together, and part of her can't move on because of it, which is why that hope is dangerous, and why the album closes with that song and not Venice Beach (which everyone agrees would at least sonically be the better closer).
  15. I finished uploading the rest of my videos from last night! My camera died during the end of Love so the few songs after that I had to film on my crappy iPhone 6 .
  16. Here's a few more: "What's up, Philly? I heard your team won tonight!" The loud bangs in the background were people celebrating the Philadelphia Eagles winning the NFC Championship (and thus a spot in the Superbowl); the game took place literally across the street from the Wells Fargo Center. "diamonds and fake friends in Bel Air"
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