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Posts posted by howiet1971

  1. We've all heard the infinite monkey theorem: that given enough time a bunch of monkeys typing at keyboards would eventually reproduce the complete works of Shakespeare. Less impressively, it also occurs to me that they would more quickly produce 100 pages of petulant whining and complete bullshit (and patronizing eye-rolling responses) about a pop star's upcoming album release.




    HA HA - this really made my afternoon. Genius :D 

  2. Some of yu need ot understand how record companies work.  They have tentative release dates which is what Lana will refer to when she says when something will be released.  She has NO say in the release date or if it gets pushed back, so she isn't lying when a date is given, she's just saying what she knows at the time.  This happens all the time.  The best option for her is to NEVER say when somethng is expected to be released.

  3. To be honest, I 'enjoyed' tropico, but wasn't blown away by the content. Visually it was stunning, more so during the music video sections, and especially during Body Electric which was gorgeous (very Pierre et Gilles inspired), but I am unsure why she flew away with UFO's...????? Any ideas?


    But for me, knowing the effort she usually puts into her music (the most important thing for me), I am GUTTED the tropico ep uses the standard album versions. :(

  4. To be honest, I 'enjoyed' tropico, but wasn't blown away by the content.  Visually it was stunning, more so during the music video sections, and especially during Body Electric which was gorgeous (very Pierre et Gilles inspired), but I am unsure why she flew away with UFO's...?????  Any ideas?


    But for me, knowing the effort she puts into her music (the most important thing for me), I am GUTTED the tropico ep uses the standard album versions. :(

  5. no

    don't let the comments ruin your experience, it is EPIC! its not the usual music videos u see on Youtube! just wait for it! its perfection!


    Not new versions!  Oh no!  It's ultimately the music that is important to me, so that's really disappopinting.  If anyone has the Paradise edition, why would they buy the Tropico EP? (Unless they want the video of course).  :facepalm:

  6. Hooray semantics! And it definitely doesn't follow the tradition of her numerous fashion films and interludes of the past, nope. It's for sure not a filmed photo shoot and absolutely comparable to a video that's been in production for six months. Y'all stay jumping on your opportunities to drag Gaga and just failing with your knowledge :biblio:


    Hey, no need to get pissy prissy!  I was being criticised for calling it a film - I simply provided the proof that Gaga was calling it such.

    And yeah, I don't like Gaga.  I USED to love her music until she became a hypocrite and therefore offended my moral sensibilities.  But that's a whole other story...

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