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Posts posted by howiet1971

  1. Just release goddamn motherfucking COLA, already! It's a hit, you little fucks!  :eyeroll:


    I disagree completely.  Whilst I like the song a lot in the context of the album, I think the attention it has received from fans is purely because 'my pussy tastes like pepsi cola'.  Thats it.  It has a cheeky lyric therefore her younger audience are lapping it up!  (See what i did there... lol).  This song will not bring her any news fans and will only damage her fledgling career (in the US).


    'American' or 'Gods and Monsters' are far more suitable singles in my opinion.  (Yes, I know G&M has a naughty lyric, but it's far more intelligently written and not so blatant.) Both of these songs have a slightly different vibe to her other singles, and Cola is just so much like a lot of BTD; it offers nothing new.


    But luckily, we are all different and like different things.  Horses for courses and all that... x

  2. Who the fuck are you to judge her? What the fuck do you know about her?!!! You "know" the same bullshit that we all read about hear on stupid hater blogs (some of them on payola to slander her). You are worst than the haters because you call yourself a "fan". Be honest and say that you hate LDR: hate her name, music,public image and you believe all the shit written about her. You are malicious like the haters, you say "seems like one of those calculated things". You sound exactly like another stupid hater. Of course that she listened to the greats like every normal music listener does. She was influenced at some level by the music she listened to but I think that she is so talented that she just shits great music without to much effort or outside influence. That is why she is so difficult to be enrolled in any musical genre. And by the way, she was polite in her interviews saying that she was influenced by some artists because really don't think she's that much influenced by any of them. And now come and put your "mature" gifs out and listen to Lorde or whatever you really like 


    Whoa there ThorixB! TrailerParkDarlings comments were far from hate!  They were an opinion of which everyone is entitled, and this comment was not extreme or offensive or hate filled; in fact it was simply not 'blind'. It was open to the fact that Lana is not perfect, that there is a PR machine behind everyone, that there is a history to be created behind every star, true or not. 

    However... your response / attack is filled with hate, anger, and sychophancy, all very unnattractive traits. As for Trailerparks comment, is it accurate?  I don't know... but neither do any of us 'know' the truth.  Too many people fawn over their idols; how about just loving the music and artistry and taking what is said publicly with a pinch of salt...


    (I saw another reactive comment of yours and decided to respond further.  I've been a fan of Madonnas since the 80's and part of loving someones music and the effect and inspiration they have on you is understanding that not everything is 'real', that more often than not who you see is a persona, a character, someone not entirely 'real'.  Agreeing and disagreeing with your 'idol' is part of the process, unless you are blinded, and as a Madonna fan, I've had many years of agreeing / disagreeing with her opinions, actions, music etc etc. 

    You cannot healthily 'follow' an artist if you dont!  To be a blind sychophant is painfully unhealthy, it is in 'my' opinion, a sign of disturbance, from someone who 'perhaps' is unhappy and places all their hopes of happiness and love onto the backs of their icon.  They believe every word said, take everything literally and announce to the world, that every piece of music (etc) is perfection.  They are the one person who will not 'let you down' or hate on you etc.

    But none of it is 'real'. The person you have the 'relationship' with is not real.  It's just, as I said earlier, a persona.

    I once had the privilege of meeting Madonna at a private party; the one over-riding fact that struck me was that she was so 'normal', just like you and me, and that realisation was so healthy.  I wish everyone could meet their 'idols' in a private / real setting (not hanging outside a hotel etc); it's very 'freeing'. 


  3. The mid-weeks shows Lana's SS to enter at No6 this week in the UK!!!

    Why?  Because the single is huge in certain places in Europe (ie. It's very hot in Ibiza and I ain't talkin the weather) and people are coming back from holiday and downloading it!




  4. I really don't get the hate towards this interview.  I found it to be one of her most insightful, and honest.  Is it the Americans amongst you that are reacting?  She is not hating the USA, just not being overly patriotic!  If there's one thing that makes the rest of the world sick in its mouth a little, is the over-zealous patriotism of the USA.  She clearly recognises that being out of the country so much.  Fair comment in my eyes.

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