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Posts posted by howiet1971

  1. I've been a Madonna fan since 1986, and seen her a ton of times. Had the pleasure of meeting her a few times too; she's a true performer though her current single releases are bizarre choices...


    See my collection of Madonna ticket stubs here. (alphabetical) http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.26664847062.47919.702417062&type=1&l=f2dff78006


    And my HMV photos: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150153925927063.293347.702417062&type=1&l=81d5514fe6


    And Girlie Show photos: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150154002862063.293359.702417062&type=1&l=80ec7fbd98

  2. I used to love Gaga, then she became a complete hypocrite and started wearing fur, after she had clearly stated she disliked wearing fur. Money changed her... not another penny of mine will be spent on that trash.

  3. I think you are reading waaay too much into all of this. My friend is a songwriter, and while he writes from experience, he also writes from the experiences of those around him, but makes them personal. If someone who didn't know him read them, they would assume it's all about him... he's inspired by friends, movies (and Lana is so inpired by film noir), news reports, books.. LIFE, just not always his.

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