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Everything posted by pinkchiffon

  1. August 16 is my birthday so that would be a dream... Lana plsss
  2. Agreed! I know VB and MAC are very loved, but in a way I'd be annoyed if they were on the album because they're nearly a year old and we deserve all-new content after this wait. I feel like Venice Bitch has to be included, though, because she says "Normal Rockwell" in the lyrics
  3. Omg, glad you said this because I thought I was a bitter bitch for feeling the same way. It's nice to see her acknowledge that the album even exists, but I don't want to get my hopes up too high for a release date or anything. Call me pessimistic but I wouldn't be surprised if this is yet another one of those times that she posts a snippet followed by months of silence. This puta has taught me to expect disappointment (but I'm hoping I'll be wrong and maybe I'll look like a dumbass a week from now) The song sounds lovely but right now it still feels like we're just being fed crumbs and it ain't fair. I'm tired of the cheesy IG videos of her singing along with her own songs. Give us a music video, bitch
  4. Hey girls and gays! I know earlier in the thread @@CmonDownToFL was asking for music that sounds similar to Lana. I totally forgot to mention this up-and-coming artist Honey Gentry before! Hopefully her beautiful, dreamy songs will tide you over for at least a little while. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/QqUd9kD8IiU" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe> <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/Pe_TScEXY50" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  5. Chill with the condescending tone. You say "kids on the internet" like you're assuming I'm 14 or something, I'm in my 20s and I know my music history. I've gotten deep into 1960s rock music and I'd say I'm pretty well-rounded. Of course she deserves her privacy and, like I said, I don't really mind her crafting different personas so long as she keeps her promises regarding her releases. None of those artists ever said they were going to make a ton of different projects (like all the music videos that never happened) without ever following up.
  6. I mean, I'm not asking her to reveal all the details of her personal life. No one is 100% honest and open all the time. But it's concerning that she's been exposed to have a pretty long history of lying and making false promises at this point. I wouldn't care if she told a completely made-up life story as long as she was at least honest about what she's going to release and when. That's just basic professionalism.
  7. Her actions lately do seem really spiteful to me. She's giving off a passive-aggressive vibe... it hurts because she glamorized fame and riches so much before, and we, her fans, gave that to her. But now it feels like she's giving the middle finger to us because she's worn out... I understand she's been through a lot of stress being famous, like getting a lot of stalkers/violent men targeting her. But that's no reason to be so cold to the vast majority of her fans who are good people and made her as successful as she is today. There was one specific thing she did that broke my heart and made me slowly realize how much she's changed. Did you guys see that video of her forgetting the words to Radio during the LA to the Moon tour? She seemed so pissed that it was requested and she had to sing it. Like she seems to have a negative attitude towards the songs from the peak time of her career. Maybe she had something going on in her life then that gave her a negative association with BTD, but it was hurtful to see her have a flippant attitude toward a song that her fans have such nostalgic love for.
  8. I always used to be the person who jumped to her defense, insisting she's entirely authentic, self-made, not manufactured, so kind to her fans, and blah blah. On her birthday last year, I posted a super gushy essay on Instagram about how much I admire her and her "realness." I deleted it recently cause now I just feel like a damn fool. This thread shocked me because it made me realize how deceptive she can be. Not sure if the artist I fell in love with, who bares her soul in her songs and stays after concerts to say sweet things to fans, is the real her or if everything was fake. I put her on too high on a pedestal. I've finally come to accept the theory that "Lana Del Rey" is just a character and she's fabricated a lot of stories about her life to fit that glamorous, tragic narrative. Never going to let myself fall this hard in love with a famous person ever again because it sucks when your view of them becomes tainted. It may sound dramatic but this era truly feels like a heartbreak for me at this point
  9. Omg, in all seriousness, I'd actually love a documentary about Lana. But I feel like she's too private to ever do one. Imagine if she wrote an autobiography? I'd much prefer that to a poem book
  10. Hey guys, I thought about this a little and just wanted to apologize for how harshly I expressed my opinions about HIADT. I don't mean to insult those who do like the song. Since I'm still new here, I don't want to make enemies or a bad impression or anything. I guess I'm just so frustrated with her silence on NFR that I'm projecting my anger onto her recent releases. I got all pissed when Doin' Time was released too, not because it's particularly bad; I'm just so sick of waiting with no explanation. I hope to make friends instead of coming off as some bitter person who hates on everything about Lana. I genuinely do love and respect her so much as an artist and a human being, but I feel like she's playing with our feelings as fans.
  11. Exactly, it makes it too easy to put her into the "teen Tumblr girl aesthetic" box I was totally a teen Tumblr girl from 2011-2016 though and that's how I found out about her so. Who am I to talk lol
  12. It's the weakest garbage she's ever released. There's a difference between a "minimalistic" and "stripped-down" aesthetic versus being lazy and not trying. I remember being confused when it first came out and all the YouTube and Instagram comments were praising her as the greatest poet ever. The lyrics are just awful compared to the high quality work we used to get. The Sylvia Plath sociopath thing is too cheesy, like Lana is a parody of herself at this point... it's as if she's trying to be ~oh-so-deep~ while writing at the level of an emo 13-year-old who's never written lyrics in their life. Combined with the selfie cover, it's just a slap in the face. In all honesty, I'm glad this community exists so I can vent and be critical of her; if I said this on Reddit or something I'd be attacked for being "too harsh" lmao
  13. Never, but I've had literal dreams about it including one just a few nights ago, lmao Never have I ever heard Lana on the radio
  14. All three covers are fugly, I was hugely disappointed. Terrible outfits, weird makeup and expressions. Her 2012 Vogue Italia photoshoot was far superior, as well as her V magazine shoot with Steven Klein
  15. Or maybe she just fucked her professors instead of doing the work Yeah, this is why I feel like the whole "Poor Lana is under the control of her label!" excuse is BS. She's basically a megastar at this point. I doubt ~the label~ constrains or fights with her to a point that she can't just make her own choices. I agree with those in this thread who say that none of the theories we've exhausted make sense anymore. NFR not being released must be completely of her own volition
  16. Viva La Vida - Coldplay Cried to this song when I was in a bar and people were doing karaoke to it (I was in a depressive episode). Good times Next letter: S
  17. I don't, but that's a good idea! I'd love to put one together sometime. Do you own anything from Bath and Body Works?
  18. Never Never have I ever sent a Lana song to a crush as a way of flirting with them
  19. Hi! You might like these artists: Still Corners Holy Motors Beach House Some songs by The Cardigans sound similar to the Lizzy Grant era
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