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Everything posted by yayoop

  1. *catch and release/bollywood hawaii/strange love/maha maha start playing in the distance*
  2. I thought the rules on leak/unreleased snippet sharing were pretty clear? I'm praying for DeluluKing, pre-releases are the worst time to get banned, but how didn't they realise what they were doing was gonna get them banned?
  3. I trust you're doing what you can, as long as you're happy then it's fine. When we're dead money doesn't mean anything anyway (is that too morbid? I'm not trying to be morbid) I simultaneously love and hate UO. I have made so many vinyl purchases and have had no problem, but have also made so many others and have had SOOOO many problems. I bought the Euphoria VAS vinyl and it has been consistently getting delayed since the end of July, so i finally cancelled it. It's frustrating cause some products there's no problem and with others it's never-ending
  4. Idk if it's real or whatever magic someone is playing, BUT if it's legit, I doubt it has to do with BB and would have to do with an upcoming Nicki project (since she's shared new music she's working on atm)
  5. Omg USD?? that's about 270$ AUD, i respect the dedication and am also jealous I can't spend that much ahaha I like to think of Vinyl collection as Art collection, the value rises in time (I mean look at the Ultraviolence/Honeymoon alt additions, they're worth so much now)
  6. omg, do you mind sharing how much BB has cost?? (for research)
  7. Lana promised us screaming and she DELIVERED, the only instance that we can trust her on
  8. Schweeeeet, just wanted to make sure! There's so much chaos happening lately (but now I want UFB to leak even MOREEEE)
  9. Honestly me too, I literally shouldn't have ordered that vinyl yet but I couldn't help myself watch me be homeless in two weeks when the rents due
  10. I'm on the same page tbh! I just meant I've already been listening to a playlist of the song demos we have (Cherry Blossom, Living Legend, Thunder, Dealer tbh) and I'm excited to see how they change! I can't imagine they'll be the same, and we'll only find out when the album is released! I have total faith in Lana that this all makes sense and is for a reason, I have no doubts I guess I just meant it'll be interesting to hear the differences since we've heard on albums before that there are differences in streaming songs as well as when they're played on vinyls, whether that's a result of Lana constantly changing her mind or something else, I'm just ready to hear it as an entire body of work tbh Having an entire album playthrough is my favourite thing of an era, I'm happy to hear whatever songs individually first tbh, but hearing them played one after the other in an order that Lana designed them to be heard in is always the best
  11. Only the tractor one cause at least we'll be able to get the original variant whenever, @me praying the side profile cover is the UO album I'm curious to hear the end product altogether and not just an iTunes album made of singles, leaks and demos -- we can only assume some details about the album, but like how some versions vary from vinyl to streaming, we'll never know for sure
  12. Spending/Shopping addictions are a hard time to deal with (i'm being totally serious), good on you for staying strong! The way these things are marketed and sold are done purposefully to make you feel like you need to get them ASAP so you don't miss out, and it's super stressful. I know I shouldn't have ordered a vinyl but I did anyway because of the anxiety of missing out, it's so bad, BUT the important thing is that you're staying strong and you're at least aware of how these things affect you. Life is a process, everything happens one step at a time, I have faith in you
  13. Now that I got the tractor vinyl I’m really hoping UO has the side profile photo as their cover, I might have to pick that one up as well I’ve never double picked for an era before but now I’m thinking it’s time….. oh god, why did she do this to us
  14. Omg Barrie I feel like he’s all our ex as well, so happy for them to have a good relationship after everything You just reminded me of the utterly beautiful and heartbreaking “Riverside”, I don’t think we’ll ever be ready for this new song
  15. Well that didn't last long... I caved so hard and just ordered the Tractor Vinyl from a UK store, it was $65 AUD, which is what it would probably cost anyway (sometimes JB vinyl prices are insane). THE UTTER RELIEF I FEEL KNOWING I'M GONNA GET IT DOWN.
  16. I am feeling so much stress because I need that tractor art vinyl I haven't preordered anything, I'm gonna hold out for the UO vinyl and pray
  17. I was literally just thinking that as I'm freaking out trying to figure out how I'm gonna get the tractor cover on vinyl. I swear to god they better have that cover as a vinyl or I'm gonna cry
  18. JBHiFi in Aus has the tractor alt as a CD but not as a vinyl.. I swear to god, I need that Tractor VINYL
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