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Everything posted by yayoop

  1. Remember when Lana added “Change” to LustForLife last minute July 4th 2022 is still happening guys no but if she is adding a new song that might mean it’s inspired by super recent events so maybe we’ll be getting a “Lullaby”-esque titled song about becoming an Auntie oooh which would be super sweet but also melancholic in her usual self reflecting ways (omg lol or maybe she was in the delivery room and will be doing some empathic screaming to talk about the physical and emotional pain) Idk i hope we get more insights into her mind I guess Lana’s albums have always been personal, the way she expresses that varies from album to album, but if the three promo? singles show anything it’s that this will be more poetic, raw, stripped back direction so I can see her going deep into these really personal ideas Tbh our girl is probably going through a weird time, so many conflicting experiences happening together, it can be weird being a creative and being excited for a project but also never knowing when to stop
  2. Her true question for the culture is “why do you keep trusting me when it says on my hands “trust no one”?”
  3. I’m getting secondhand embarrassment It’s just music fam lighten up Yeah, Lana was the one to give us fake dates but have we all forgotten the trauma of Tropico? I swear to god Be mad all you want but just put your phone down and go outside, Jesus Christ Masochists everywhere
  4. I feel like I can finally join the club, I had a dream about Lana's album last night. 16 tracks, the cover art was a mirror selfie that was edited bright red and was coming out September 17th ~ let's go delulu
  5. i would be so here for thisssssss, she would never, but she shouldddddddd prove us wrong Lana
  6. yayoop

    Taylor Swift

    We stan deluxe tracks here
  7. yayoop

    Song vs. Song

    Text Book vs Thunder
  8. How did I only just notice Lana posted the single cover selfie back in August 2020?? Am I really behind??
  9. honestly this^^ I feel like the background isn't the cover but even if it is hopefully we'll still get an UO AltCover (at least we better ) also if it is actually the cover then I don't mind it, it's grown on me When you compare it to other album covers (Born to Die specifically) it feels really defiant? Like she's finally gotten in the car and she's at this point where she doesn't need to have this highly stylised image of herself anymore, and even tho it's normal for artists to put out multiple covers she's just doing it how she wants to Even the music is different, at least what we've heard. It's more stripped back and poetic as opposed to very cinematic and boppy? I can't think of another word I'm sorry Even Norman's cover was kinda forced on her, she said the alt cover (another selfie photo, which I love) was originally meant to be the general cover and I guess with CoCC she went with a music video bts photo?? (And we at least still got an alt cover from an actual shoot) She's actually so weird now that I think about it.. Anyways if she's gonna go with any selfies I really want it to be that other BlueBanisters selfie she posted and then archived because that was so pretty Idk if I'm making any sense right now tbh (I don't do drugs feat. ArianaGrande )
  10. Ooh I want a Lana perfume SO BAD, I would wear it all the timeeeeee What are we thinking it would smell like?
  11. I have been listening to the three singles on constant rotation As well as DBJUAG and TulsaJesusFreak they’re so good, I have no shame
  12. We need a computer screen analysis DELULU'S ATTACK!
  13. “Hot fire, hot weather, hawt coffee, I’m better with YEWH” hits so hard
  14. (Is it just me or does the TextBook cover at look like she has sores on her chest?)
  15. This album is gonna HIT WHERE IT HURTS The lyrics, amazing the song structure, wild the repetitive covers, only Lana could do it after a few listens my fave is Text Book i’m honestly seeing that weird video of Lana being the socialite mixing well with this album as well as her second book from the institution LETS GO
  16. makes me think of all the snippets we got for Paradise and people just made their own versions of the songs
  17. I honestly loved Chemtrails but god damn I am SO EXCITED for BlueBanisters we’re getting fed fam
  18. I can't express how excited I am OG lana is back (I hope the songs are condescending sassy/aggressive? like TOSTB, TrueLoveOnTheSide you know?)
  19. I’m still on the BB is RCS renamed team BUT I’m always down for a double album, I’m just not delulu yet I was wondering what the unreleased track could be and when I saw her talk about CherryBlossom I’m not sure how I felt like I love that song but I would so much prefer Thunder, just for its sound I’d rather an album like that than an album like CherryBlossom i can’t believe I just write that, I feel sick
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