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Everything posted by yayoop

  1. I’ve been waiting to read/listen to it until i have it physically and this preorder wait has been PAINFUL
  2. yayoop

    Melanie Martinez

    thank u! It’s so pretty, I honestly never got the hype for coloured vinyls but now I’m obsessed
  3. yayoop

    Melanie Martinez

    Wow I came here just to say I finally got CryBaby and K-12 on vinyl (I also just watched the movie oop) and now I’m hearing there’s new music coming?? Amazing
  4. It’s disgusting how expensive it is tbh, especially looking to buy it on it’s own I was watching the boxset on Amazon for ages sit at $400AUD and then I went back to look at it was suddenly $570AUD so I decided then and there I just had to make the leap I haven’t regretted it........yet but also all of Rihanna’s albums are amazing so it’s okay (pls tell me it’s okay)
  5. Fam I didn’t even think to come here i have gone on a vinyl binge since lockdown started (oops) and I have been collecting so many I haven’t got a photo but I’ll take one (I also just ordered Rihanna’s vinyl boxset cause I need Anti on vinyl so bad)
  6. yayoop

    Instagram Updates

    It literally burns a fire in my soul when she does stupid shit like this, so careless. Whenever she sings about driving fast in her songs I picture myself, hands at 10 and 2, the window down, music blaring and no phone or social media in sight, on an long straight empty road. But she actually does the opposite and show’s how careless of a driver she is and is SO open about it that it’s beyond frustrating at this point. I’m not surprised but that doesn’t mean it’s okay, what if she ends up crashing? Or hitting someone else? It’s not worth it Lana gurl pls stopppoop like you made the BornToDie video you know how this could end just take a dramatic picture of bumper to bumper traffic and Instagram it LATER like the rest of us
  7. And also so I don’t feel bad for kinda going off topic... my unpopular opinion is that I actually really like Chuck’s photography. I really like her style and I think there’s something amazing about her just using her iPhone. In a world where photography has become so accessible for literally everyone (you are most likely holding a device Rn with a camera in it) i like that she as a photographer is leaning into that and still creating beautiful pictures, whether they seem mundane or not, but just with her phone. I will stan the alternate cover art of NFR till the day I die (double unpopular opinion BAM!). I’m a fan, I don’t appreciate the h8, but also go off cause it’s all subjective to the viewer anyway and your opinions are valid
  8. Honestly this song makes me so horny, I can’t put it on any of my playlists cause I get to into those heavy breathing parts (and that’s bad for driving)
  9. yayoop

    Instagram Updates

    I totally see Lana living the “eccentric aunt” role in the future and me too honestly
  10. yayoop

    Instagram Updates

    I wish Lana would embrace her true authentic instabaddie self and give us a house tour Cause from that photo shoot damn I wanna see what her interior decorations look like (my homo is showing)
  11. yayoop

    Katy Perry

    So I stand by my initial listen through review but after listening to it now for a few days on and off, I’m a fan. Seeing it purely as a compilation of songs from Katy (I’ve come to terms that ever since TD she can’t fully commit to a fully realised album theme Soz girl) it’s still fun and enjoyable. it’s like easy fun pop that I’ve grown accustomed to from her, I’ve added a bunch of tracks to my current playlist (like NTEOTW, CAIL and TE) and just listening to the album on random flows better than how it’s laid out on the record I’m honestly happy for Katy where she feels like she just wants to put music out, regardless of numbers, like she’s said she’s done most of it already ahah I think she’s comfortable with her sound and that’s good for her i wish she would’ve pushed her songmaking back with Prism, but oh well It’s like I know what to expect now and that’s in-cohesive Katy-esque pop bops And I love that I wanna make a mega Katy playlist now and see what happens ALSO I feel like I remember she said in a livestream or something somewhere that she wasn’t initially gonna put this album out but because she had so many songs she thought “what the hey” and honestly, I’m down for that if she’s making shit I’m gonna be listening to it
  12. yayoop

    Katy Perry

  13. yayoop

    Instagram Updates

    She’s just being a troll
  14. yayoop

    Instagram Updates

    lana pls start a twitch I’ll watch you play Mario kart THE WAY SHE SAYS “I can’t I have no memory” we love a sassy queen also I really really hope no one finds the uncropped version and tries to dox her also girl where’s your mask??
  15. yayoop

    Katy Perry

    I’m back and here are my thoughts. (Some context I’ve been a KatyCat since 2009 (it’s been hard fam) and honestly she was the one who told me about BornToDie in 2012 so I wouldn’t be here (on Lanaboards) without her so shoutout - but also that means I do already have a liking for Katy, but I’m still ready to critique this album “fairly”.)
  16. yayoop

    Katy Perry

    Starting my album play through!! AH I’m so excited whats everyone’s overall thoughts been?
  17. Damn, another magazine cover to collect even just a glimpse of that house is making me swoon
  18. I hope the photo from the Lanaboards masked cult party never surfaces I SAW GOODIE LANA DROP IT IN THE PALE MOONLIGHT
  19. yayoop

    Twitter Updates

    Omg she had Zella announce the album art??
  20. yayoop

    Taylor Swift

    "The Lakes" is beautiful. Taylor's deluxe tracks are always some of my favourites, I wish there were a couple more but this is precious and beautiful enough to stand on it's own. I'm here for it ~take me to the lakes where all the poets went to die~
  21. yayoop

    Instagram Updates

    Literallllllly, every time I see her driving videos it makes me cringe. Gurl I don’t want you getting in an accident or hurting anyone else, your aesthetic videos can wait
  22. Omg I order the physical and the vinyl but have managed to still be unable to listen/read them yet oop, I’m just gonna have to join audible for that free audiobook tomorrow (use code yayo for a discount)(that’s a lie) but I’m actually gonna do that tomorrow, it looks like IM MISSING OUT AND IM STRESSING
  23. yayoop

    Katy Perry

    I honestly love the cover and saw the Alt vinyl cover last night, I stupidly waited to preorder it and it’s already sold out I’m gonna wait and see if they reprint or at least somewhere else like UO or something sells it, or I’ll just get the normal one. I love them both tbh Excited to see how the playlist plays out, Resilient is a bop. I liked Energy and it’s sound but I’m happy with her scrapping it
  24. Preordered the vinyl! Oop I’m so excited to get high and listen to it, hopefully in warm weather
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