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Everything posted by VeniceBambi

  1. Performing things and keeping them up because your FANS love it, doesn’t reflect on whether she herself still resonates with and loves those songs. Ariana Grande says its like going through hell all over again when she performs her thank u next album, (mind you shes even suffering from PTSD) but she does it for her fans. Nobody knows what Lana truly feels about paradise and her past music, and she may never share her true thoughts with us. If we dont know for sure that she doesnt like those songs anymore, we dont know for sure if she likes them either.
  2. We should try to get NFR trending on twitter and see if she’ll respond to it
  3. I wonder if Ariana having released so much shit made Lana not wanna release yet? And then she evenetually just went into hiding cause other shit
  4. Also does anyone remember when about 2 yrs ago she tweeted something like “dont approach me if you cant treat me nicely”?? I think Lanas been fed up with how alot of fans think they can treat her however. I wonder if its why she doesnt care about leaving us in the dark.
  5. I think if Lana truly hates paradise its because she isnt fond of her past self and whatever she was doing during that time period. I notice in the videos of her performing Gods and Monsters during lfl tour, she doesnt seem to like the “Gods dead” line much, and some of the others like “headed towards a fuckdd up holiday” she performs it rly lighthearted and “fun” as if shes doing it solely for the fans, no deep emotion for it. She probably doesnt resonate anymore with alot of what paradise used to mean for her. This happens to so many artists, because your art and music reflects your current life and struggles. Look at Marina towards electra heart lol.
  6. I would've lovedddd to see her try out a role like this. But I think she said once acting isn't for her? Though I think its just that she isnt confident in her acting- which doesnt mean its bad. In her song "live or die" she sounds like someone in love with a mobster haha and off to the races reminds me of that too. I hope she does more for that aesthetic ;( aww whats the newspaper called? maybe that article was reposted somwhere
  7. You’re a kinky one, aren’t u... but no. Never have I ever stole someones boyfriend.
  8. ok so ppl r hating my thread .... "You know what, fuck it."
  9. Clearly, I'm not talking about who Lana is now. I'm talking about any kind of persona that shes created and what kinds of inspirations she used for them. plz dont derail.
  10. I wanted to discuss what kinds of inspirations Lana uses when shes forming a type of persona. 1. Priscilla Presley So much of Lana's appearance has been heavily inspired by Priscilla. I realize that even her nose job was inspired by Priscilla's upturned, pointy nose. Lana's nose job wasn't that massive but she did revise her nose tip and change the bridge. (I don't hate on Lana for doing this at all, I'm plastic positive ) Lana truly is good at inventing a persona for herself, I actually find that to be an art of its own. She even posed in a car similarly to how Priscilla Presley did. I also heard that Lana wanted to perform one of Elvis's songs but Priscilla didn't give her permission, though she does this to other artists too. I wonder if Priscilla is aware of how Lana likes to emulate her looks. I'm sure she'd be flattered though. I know that Lana has a thing for Elvis so maybe she wanted to mimic the kind of beauty he found attractive in Priscilla. Lana has always been beautiful though, and she didn't go too far as she still has her own unique look. I think as the years went on she stopped trying to emulate her though. 2. Marilyn Monroe When it comes to her mannerisms and speaking voice in interviews, the way that Lana acts is very reminiscent of Marilyn Monroe. I had watched a video of Marilyn one day, totally unrelated to Lana, and I couldn't help but think of Lana in her past interviews. If Lana did lie about being a Gemini purposely, I wonder if it's because Marilyn is a Gemini. Priscilla is one too!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y5s4M5Kx6yI Curious as to what others think about this topic, and if anyone has any other people in mind that she might take inspo from? (Sorry if I did this wrong, this is my first thread )
  11. I can’t believe she didn’t release roses bloom for you and best american record I wish she wouldn’t share songs or tease them unless she knows for SURE shes going to officially release.
  12. Just because artists have the same audience members doesn't mean that the art and content they produce is the same or similar enough to note it. People are just capable of liking different things lol. Especially when it comes to more "alternative" music genres, some people are just into alternative period. So they listen to multiple alternative artists. Doesn't mean all alternative music sounds the same just because they have the same audience. Some people like things that are "different" or not very "mainstream". They are similar when it comes to those things.
  13. I wonder how people would react to an artist super similar to her coming out. Would people hate on them and say they're copying her? I'd love to see more artists make music and art similar to hers though... I feel like that's why she has an almost "cult like" following, people can't find her kind of art anywhere else these days. It'd be a breath of fresh air to see someone new similar to her, and they might even turn out to be more authentic than she is.
  14. Some of you are mentioning how shes a "pathological liar" or that she might have been this fake persona this whole time, which reminded me of what James Franco said about Lana. "The thing about singers, especially the ones who write their own lyrics, is that everyone reads the person into the songs. An actor is sometimes aligned with with his roles, but a singer is asked about her lyrics as if they were direct statements of her true thoughts and feelings." "Sometimes Lana doesn't know what to say in interviews, so she plays into the idea that her songs are her, and not her creations." Now I know he isn't the best person to be quoting, but I do think these words are coming from things she personally told him. Another thing I found on Instagram: "What was the best story she ever told you? -Well, after we were introduced, she told me that she grew up in Arkansas in a trailer park, and was raised by her grandmother. But I'd already known that she was from a family of means in New York. So I was just like, "Huh, you don't say, Arkansas, trailer park." But it was like being around a performance artist. It's not like they're a pathological liar or something, they're just a person creating a character (Rope, a guy who knew Lana before fame)" Not sure if the story is true but it could further prove that she possibly has had a fake persona, multiple of them, this whole time.I don't think everything about her is fake, like her emotions. (at least- I hope not) Just the more glamorized things.
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