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Everything posted by VeniceBambi

  1. COLLAB CONFIRMED IM SO EXCITED WTF https://www.instagram.com/p/BzLjNlvlHiC/?igshid=1gg9ed9fsbn1s SHE TAGGED LANA AND THOSE LOOK LIKE ngel wingsp
  2. ? i didnt think you meant me lol I was curious what you meant by that
  3. She looks so good here. https://twitter.com/owenhphoto/status/1142588382826106880?s=21 https://twitter.com/olivianripa22/status/1142583201388486656?s=21 cute close up vid of her kissing a fan on the cheek
  4. Hopefully the change will be that its released earlier
  5. Someones uploading doin time full performance but itll take 3 hours to post
  6. https://twitter.com/cabareldr/status/1142550649994973184?s=21 doin time
  7. https://www.instagram.com/p/BzBvfxAIl3P/?igshid=e6ou9ikewd5j Lana with fans
  8. Summertime Sadness on the 2nd day of summer ;( https://www.instagram.com/p/BzBsGfroknv/?igshid=p84qs0f84hc3
  9. Shes still performing right? I drank coffee so im so jittery and impatient for the receipts and footage
  10. His live streams are always hella laggy omf maybe after nfr he can upgrade
  11. Tbh id be walking through all those people to get closer to Lana if I was all the way in the back
  12. Never really been a fan of any of her stage outfits but I love how happy she looks
  13. Nah he made it https://twitter.com/a_nyomiix3/status/1142467364275073024?s=21 She probably would feel bad ignoring someone who spends so much money and time on her tbh.. reminds me of the pop up shop lmao
  14. Money can’t buy common decency, morals, or class babe I was born with the mind of a goddess, If I was rich with loads of time I wouldnt be using my time to follow and drool over another human. PerioddT.
  15. Tbh if I know I had met Lana so many times and been front row, I’d give other people the chance to be front row lol.... especially if its a foreign country. let the irish ppl get their chance (( not trying to be mean but its just rude to me
  16. Yes, once you get filler enough times you must keep up with them or you will have sagging skin. This is for lip filler too. But it takes awhile to permanently stretch out the skin. Fillers last in the body for up to 2 years (depending on the type) but by about 6 months alot of it is gone. Depends how fast your metabolism is.
  17. People always have something negative to say. You realize lighting and shadows have alot to do with how someones face appears in photos right? Shes traveling, don’t expect her to look perfect lol
  18. Okay I know everyone wants NFR but am I the only one who remembers the "unreleased album" like does anyone think that itll still happen?
  19. omfg im so jealous of everyone in ireland right now fuckk Lana looks tired I hope the performance still goes well and according to plan (and we get some NFR shit )
  20. Ok but I dont wanna see Cinnamon live if its acapella... the instrumental to it is i wonder if she’ll even have the set up to perform nfr songs with its bg music
  21. She also liked a tweet about maleficent 2 awhile ago, so she'll deff be working with disney again imo She already straightened it out with her nose job, I guess she thinks it needs to be fuller in that area so she adds filler.. Yeah I mean if it makes her happy its fine, im not judging, just curious.
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