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Posts posted by DinahLee

  1. She did a partnership with Much Music (believe it or not) and 5 Gum where she made a song in the studio with an up-and-coming singer/songwriter. I caught the commercial on TV this morning. Full video:





    This is really interesting (and a bit "superficial" I mean it looks really awkward\rehearsed LMAO) but it's really nice.


    I just expected the synths to kick in with something like Bitch when it was said "allie x producing it" :creep: n just kidding. 


    And the girl's voice is really beautiful, I love this

  2. I do think Joanne is boring but at same time I think it's the type of record that will sound fresh even from 10 years now. Playing something like Sinner's Prayer will always feel..."timeless".


    I have this own theory that Joanne just happened because she felt the need of putting something out before the end of 2016 or otherwise she knew her fans would tear her appart after the whole teasing from 2015 etc.


    She met with RedOne\Nile Rodgers but didn't like the direction and moved on.

    I feel she "enjoyed" being with Mark Ronson cuz it was something new, the music was "new" for her and she decided to follow that patch but really didn't feel "inspired" to create it as a... full era. And that's why everything ended so fast (I mean...September-October-November-December and the coffin nail was Million Reasons video. Then Superbowl which for me is not really part of Joanne but a celebration of her career and John Wayne was like trying to ressurect\put something else on the table but it was just...messy)


    No shooking they probably really gave up on Dancin' in Circles to put a brand new song instead, they knew that it would turn into another "G.U.Y." sittuation after the blackout from superbowl and beyond

  3. I don't think her label even bother at this point because...I mean are we sure she's still signed? Cuz I don't know how they would really wait over 5 years to drop another record it's just... it wouldn't work it's just pure madness to imagine they would keep it together and not put "pressure" to have released something withing the last 2 years that she started to tease the record. It's likely that back them she already had things going but... 


    This is like some twilight zone mess and I don't play with demons.



    That vid with snippets from the last page... they're really good. Sound really 80's pop and way more "shimmering\glittering\Lighter" than NTMT snippets back 

  4. holy f*ck I'm just... 

    I mean is it possible somehow all the stars I enjoy\like are someway connected? Ugh I love some Shiny Toy Guns songs and I just... I'd never expect this relation. And Yayo about...someone on the band...I...


    Jesus really it's mindblowing 

  5. The Bloody Mary stems I... I never heard anything like that... so beautiful... I'm...crying :oprah:


    That gregorian choir, gaga oh my



    One of the synths sound like it would be part of a powerful disco dance trackt that's why I LOVE STEMS



    that stupid gay. i asked for judas HjFZiK6.gif


    ALSO I FOUND A LINK MAMAS  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wAcfQ7-QbTwjmWmAkXSeOMWAed52YwqW/view






    Didn't judas stems leak like... in 2012 or so? Well At least I know we do have the vocal pack with all the adlibs\bg\etc 

    For fucks sake someone ban that piece of shit Finn The Human on GaGaDaily! His songs and stems were leaked by his friend on twitter and now he's butt hurt. Peace out loser


    I was so skeptical because he was like so pissed about "people invading Gaga's property with leaks" but just few days ago, he posted a bunch of songs in WAV\HQ\UNEDITED files... then it clicked what happened and why he really felt pissed.

  6. I don't have like 10% of her discography but Stranger is that bop

    It was also removed from everywhere pretty quick after it leaked so maybe she could still put it out officially at some point


    It's still on YouTube right now  :toofunny: but idk let's hope. 

  7. Also i'd like to share the little life pleasure of the fact, on my "unreleased compilation", Draw the Line comes right after "Could it Be Love?" and... it's magical the way she does "UUUUUUUUUH" and then the strong beat\bass of Draw the line comes in. It's just... a concept.


    Also while still listening to the uneleaseds, right now, I really hope "Stranger" can make the cut for CLXIII. The demo leak really sound good and the fact it's missing one verse\a real bridge... the song can be fire.


    The hook "Put your hands on your head \ Did you hear what I said?" and also the post chorus "Woao"... it's really the tipe of "awkward" song that work as a pop song


    in other news, it's "mainstream" but not mainstream like the stuff from CLXII 

  8. Heard "Love Sick Girl" might be next and...I don't feel ready

    also someone just drop out of control it has been 8 years some fans don't even know it wasn't a full song just a long snippet

  9. Tbh I would be happy if CLXIII was all the songs created during ALX\Alliexandra era cuz they're gold. I just realized most of my fav unreleaseds are from that point. Also Never Enough was a product from these seesions so :creep: lol kidding



    The small snippet sound good but so short...ugh but at least hope it means they're inspired to move into the next project

  10. Ok for me this is BRAND NEW INFORMATION but I just found out that before getting the solo project "Allie Hughes", miss X did "spent time in the witchy pop band of Katie Stelmanis." aka Austra nowday


    I just... also I don't know a lot about Austra and thought she was from like Scandinavia or something but not Toronto



    edit: Do we have official studio version of "The Hard Way" the song?

  11. She should make use of the momentum and release Vintage (feat. Troye Sivan) instead.



    this would totally fit maybe troye could help the sis with video funding then and hopufully write the video treatment instead of miss x herselfeven tho i  doubt that casanova mess had any "text"

  12. DTRqmlVXUAMU5d9.jpg





    my worst fear is real life

    Hoping she won't push another "remix" into single status. If the damn track alone is not enough then pick a gorgeous song like downtown :creep: 

  13. I didn't want to admit but I feel so amazed by CLXI and CLXII is not a bad record, but not even reducing it to 7 songs it would be incredible as CLXI.


    Hello, Catch, Prime and Tumor. You listen to these and you get real chills\shivers at certain points (Catch at the moment the last Chorus hits, at the end of the bridge, when after holding back you can hear her breath. Hello right before every chorus, specially with the "Toms\Snare-roll"... Tumor at the last chorus when the synths and vocals all melt together)


    Then Bitch which is just incredible as a whole. 

    Good is the "sentimental-lyrics-moment" on the record, it's like the ballad, but it's not really a ballad.


    And even thought I don't like sanctuary at all, I also recognize it as a Monumental song. The lyrics itself, the production, everything is really "on-point"





    It's truly a standout as a whole record. CLXII have some beautiful songs and some standouts, but as a whole, it feels a bit...flat...(?)

    Downtown is top5 her songs at all tho

  14. ?? how do you mean



    i take it that they were singing along or something over the recording



    yes exactly mess lmao

    Also found tiny clips of Catch & Old Habits Die Hard (and too much too dream i swear I thought it was shorter like only 3 songs or something but I think these were all)

  15. DTJDB3yXUAATFrN.jpg




    Missing this legend today. Ugh already 1 year and a month since first saw her. Hope she'll come later this year\2019




  16. pretty sure i have them or they may be in a user's masterpost... i know i used to have them

    edit: i don't have them apparently.  i'm pretty sure someone has them though.


    i'm pretty sure the masterpost i saved has them, if you want i can pm what i have

    edit: i found hello and bitch, looking for tumor and prime, but i know they're out there


    i have all of them!  get them here


    all except "this is the jam" are full, sorry for it only being a snippet!




    I'm deceased



    Also we have many acapellas & instrumentals but I don't think they can count as stems tho right?

    From top of my head I remember Affliction, True Love is Violent, Reborn...



    In other news I need to listen to Phantom in full someone help


    Shade is cute, fun, and even supported!

    But not singing Heroin and Yosemite is something I won't get over nor endorse

    I hope she sings Get Free just to spite Radioshet





    The bad thing: I think once a song is locked in a "court battle", it can't be played live, played on radio and could be removed from streaming platforms... Now that she said they tried "months back", it would make sense to not perform the song\not possible to do so... how sad

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