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house of balloons

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Everything posted by house of balloons

  1. my ultimate stan moment is the iconic nfr cassette leak. i still remember the chaos of it all, everyone here was clowning the 14 yo billie stan for not knowing how to rip a cassette, and her grandparents probably got fired too a runner up is the dude on instagram who found the nfr vinyl being sold early and some user here stalked him and volunteered to drive to connecticut to find the record store asdghjk i hope this era will be just as chaotic, BB was pretty boring tbh, apart from the dealer 'worst song ever' leak where everyone thought miles kane was nikki lane
  2. the plastic bag lyric out of context like that is so bad and i hate it with every bone in my body. i can't even begin to think about how she's gonna make it work in context, but if i could, it's gonna have to give a bare feet on linoleum's normality meets sylvia plath's 'bright hair, shoe-black, old plastic, is my life so intriguing?' sort of thing, otherwise she can keep it
  3. she couldn't read the cultural thermometer when she posted qftc, so i guess no, she's not. i think she's very connected to herself, good for her, but that's about it.
  4. had lolita on blast the entire day, hopefully that will summon her
  5. willow's book made my blood boil, don't know why he's getting mad at a joke when his daughter's out there calling indigenous groups, from a continent she has no business in, 'savages' and 'thieves'
  6. he should've saved that energy for his daughter for releasing that racist and islamophobic book
  7. that picture of ryan gosling is from 2017 ALL of the pictures are
  8. he was laughing at the joke too at first he only stood up for her after she cued him to do so, he's a cuck plain and simple
  9. jay-z's expression had me on the floor
  10. kristen should've won best actress
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