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Posts posted by NikoGo

  1. 7 minutes ago, Lanaparadiserey said:

    I mean I am just shocked because it is a feature and the other artist posted it. I guess it really is her song because he has literally teased and released his own song since we found out about Tough 

    I’m more annoyed someone asked “when is it coming out” and he said “next” and then proceeded to not release it next :lanahairflip2:


    that does make me think it’s her song and he thought it was coming out sooner than it is 

  2. 3 minutes ago, Lanaparadiserey said:

    I mean I’m not shocked the “insider” was wrong but I am shocked Tough still isn’t out given we got an official snippet almost a month ago 

    First time?:bebe:


    HIAB was teased in like March of 2018

    TJF was teased August of 2020

    Arcadia was first teased July 2021 (which admittedly wasn’t super far from the date)

    candy necklace was teased September of 2023


    this is completely normal and I’m more shocked that people are shocked :thumb2:


  3. Let’s not forget when LMLYLAW dropped Lana still thought the album was coming December/January. It wasn’t until November she found out about the vinyl process taking longer than it used to. She typically only waits roughly 3 months between lead single and the album. I do think Tough was teased too quickly, especially for how hard it was teased. We got a snippet, and a video tease all in the span of a week just to go back to silence, but I’m also not surprised because I know who we stan, and I never expected Tough last month.

    Tunnel’s name was randomly leaked on her YouTube videos, and we didn’t know we were getting a single when we got the preorder/announcement so insiders being silent doesn’t really concern me tbh. I think Lana’s team has taken extra steps to make sure her stuff isn’t leaked 

  4. 1 hour ago, barttttender said:


    Her team sucks though - we've known this for a while.


    They haven't pulled out a decent album rollout since, what, NFR?

    NFR???? Decent rollout???? Not with MAC and VB being released 11 months before the album


    she hasn’t had a perfect rollout since honeymoon

    Lust for life I don’t really blame her since Love leaked early and messed everything up, and we were constantly fed that era, but we didn’t get a release date “July 21st fam” until like May, and that was after everyone thought it was coming in May because of that magazine or whatever spilling a random (probably original) date 



    tbh I’m trying to be optimistic, but not a single insider (even the twitter iNsIdErS) has a single thing to say about Tough or Lasso so I’m getting a bit nervous that we’re even further away still than we think :bebe:

  5. 32 minutes ago, Venice Peach said:

    The only counter argument is that vague and confusing interview which was probably about the sound and genre of the record and it sounded more like "it's done and it is what it is, we'll see" than "I scrapped it and started from scratch"

    She also didn’t deny that it was still coming this year, but was quick to clock the interviewer about her not doing a stadium tour. So, I think if she was unsure about it being this year should have at least danced around it. 


    idk why but I still believe her with September/October release. Even with tunnel, she announced it 3 months early and it still got delayed, so maybe they’re waiting to make sure the date is completely set in stone before releasing any info. 

  6. 40 minutes ago, Lanaparadiserey said:



    Idk why but we cheer, she needs to be a Miu Miu girl

    first a selfie with a gun and now a police sticker on the back of her phone pls Lasso era is going exactly how I expected it to :lange:

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