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Posts posted by NikoGo

  1. 23 hours ago, NikoGo said:

    So we’re getting a single after the September debate, but if Trump wins in November we aren’t getting any singles this year. 

    Hopefully during tomorrow’s Q&A there’s more consistency to the answers because :eek3:


    2 minutes ago, JinnWithin said:

    I said that if a single is coming it’s coming after the debate and not before. 

    Also, thats what I said 

  2. 31 minutes ago, Sunbather Moonchaser said:

    Why are yall so chill about the fact that we'll get the first single after the first debate which is in two weeks? 

    Because I don’t believe it lol 


    I mean September does make sense (Vouge did say ‘very soon’ and I’m a single in September truther) but I could also see it being the COTCC rollout with a LMLYLAW release of single 1 in October and then single 2 in December with the album preorder. 

  3. 1 minute ago, Embach said:

    The singles being not released if Trump wins reminded me how Lana wanted to release God Bless America as a single in 2017 but Ben didn't want to, from Wiki:

    During an interview with Flaunt magazine, Del Rey revealed that she wanted to release it as a single but her manager, Ben Mawson was reluctant about this. 

    tbh I think the hesitation was because Lana is a global artist, and having a single called “god bless America” would alienate a large portion of her fanbase. A lot of fans already didn’t like LFL because of its political songs so it would have been bad for her. Ben made the right call. 

    I don’t buy for a second this album is being decided by the election. Her label would never let her scrap a whole project like that, there is SO much money involved in an album 

  4. 50 minutes ago, Embach said:

    Well at least this is fun while we don't have nothing (besides the Lana news that we're getting 2 singles by the end of 2024) and this is perhaps better than making 10 survivor threads which clog up the forum index :aubrey:

    I prefer survivor games lmfao at least people are happy and get along there. This phase of the prerelease is fun at first but the second disappointment sets in, everyone gets irritated and it’s not fun anymore 

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