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Kid Krow

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Everything posted by Kid Krow

  1. it's just a mix of Sirens
  2. Kid Krow

    Ryn Weaver

    the fool turning 10 in 3 months is kinda crazy to me
  3. Kid Krow

    Charli XCX

    leak unedited full version of 20 second now pleek
  4. is the big flower really from cp3 sessions?
  5. so this diva leaked
  6. Kid Krow

    Charli XCX

    in the end, what era is chrisis angel from? crash or brat?
  7. Kid Krow

    Ethel Cain

    new 2017 demo titled "Teddy" leaked apparently it was recorded for scrapped ΛTLΛS' EP "Nazir"
  8. Kid Krow

    Charli XCX

    oop- sorry, yeah, my demo is 04:03
  9. Kid Krow

    Charli XCX

    thank u sm! so we have mess final ("Mess mix 1.1b 031612 LIMIT") and demo (3:58).
  10. Kid Krow

    Charli XCX

    was this ver of mess real or just an edit?
  11. Kid Krow

    Charli XCX

    someone please post "you for me" og files
  12. Kid Krow

    Charli XCX

    someone need to leak "20secondsnow", "jenny", "headlinez" and "made it" for xcxmas
  13. Kid Krow

    Charli XCX

    theme park is originally from sucker sessions, right?
  14. Kid Krow

    Kacy Hill

    Deep End (Snippet) 2022 https://krakenfiles.com/view/CmyRvpce6M/file.html
  15. Kid Krow


    so we hate two demos of best friends, rights? the one that leaked as chill and other as best friends
  16. Kid Krow

    Ryn Weaver

    does anyone have the og files of her unreleased stuff? felt today like i need to make a ryn tracker, so if anyone wants to help or can share some info dm me!
  17. Kid Krow


    she shared a folder with demos and stems https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/kzhthinj5n1wfd375kmjg/AHfkIXVcDwGHoSbdmTIE5uk?dl=0&rlkey=78uqfvkasuaahz0kj60fc16q2
  18. Kid Krow

    Ethel Cain

    Hi everyone! I am currently administering the Ethel Cain (https://daughtersofcain.fandom.com/) wiki and some users have asked to remove pages/references to previous Hayden's releases under the alias White Silas (EPs / full-length projects). No matter how hard you try, you still can't keep quiet about this when talking about tracks that were originally recorded in White Silas era and re-released in the Ethel Cain, but you can not talk about the names of the projects (EPs / full-length projects). I would like to ask you how necessary it is to remove information about these releases? As for me, this provides only text information without sharing any audio files, which simply allows you to learn about the time periods of Hayden's music recording. For example, Genius still has all these releases and they're not removed. What do you think about it?
  19. Kid Krow

    Ethel Cain

    thanks for your contribution! to change the page name you should click the three dots at the top right, then "move", but idk if it is possible to do this without administrator rights.
  20. Kid Krow

    Ethel Cain

    Hey everyone! I have decided to expand the Hayden wiki page again. I would be very grateful if someone would help with this and add pages that is not yet there, and/or expand the existing pages with missing info. The last thing I did I added pages about upcoming album, b-sides ep, preacher's wife and some unreleased songs but I know there's so much missing in them. https://daughtersofcain.fandom.com/
  21. Kid Krow


    let's fucking goooooooo
  22. Kid Krow

    Charli XCX

    so, is the leaked Hello Goodbye demo from 2018 (charli sessions) or no?
  23. Kid Krow

    Charli XCX

    who will bless us with 20secondsnow leak in honor of the remix album announcement?
  24. Kid Krow

    Charli XCX

    the leaked hello goodbye demo is exported with Logic Pro X 10.4.1, does it mean that it was recorded during self-titled sessions?
  25. Kid Krow

    Charli XCX

    was "Types" (reworked "Official") recorded during Pop 2 sessions? it is encoded with Logic Pro X 10.3.2, so it may be from jul 2017 - dec 2017.
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