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Everything posted by LanaBalkana

  1. Same setlist, same guests apart from Billie being swapped with Camila. Outfit 1 was the same as last week but black; outfit 2 was country coded. She sang hope on stage and the outro was a hologram. Her vocals were really good and her energy was great
  2. I have to say - that was a beautiful, stunning outro
  3. If now Taylor appears I will have the biggest jumpscare
  4. They didn’t “tell us” anything lmao one person from the team just posted the setlist
  5. D&G ate with the matching dress and suit for two weeks in a row
  6. I love how she got a super high energy song from Camila and now we’re back to Bartender
  7. Maybe that’s for the best. Lana could get easily drowned in the sea of radio pop releases. By September, most of these new releases will have settled down, end of summer depression will have started hitting and lana will come for our souls
  8. My guess is that he is a goddamn manchild
  9. Post-laryngitis voice resembles “vapey” voice - both cause irritation of the vocal folds. Nothing crazy about it
  10. No way that’s happening. If this was true, Coachella would have said earlier otherwise they would get destroyed by ticketholders and insurers alike. Also, in the caption Lana said that her laryngitis was “healed” by her psychic or whatever so I suppose she is fine now. I think she didn’t mention weekend 2 simply because she’s Lana and she doesn’t post carefully planned statements etc I mean she edited that caption like 100 times
  11. Evangelicals are weird lol
  12. Imagine if she missed to mention someone jk indeed it’s very sweet - the unsung heroes of Lana’s world
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