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Vanilla Icy

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Everything posted by Vanilla Icy

  1. god i hate when people just describe her songs as "americana" like that literally tells us nothing
  2. wasn't fuck it i love you on playlists even tho it didn't come out for another week or two
  3. it's not like half of this board wasn't preaching patience and "3 months isn't that long" when we found out it was coming in march
  4. i’d rather hear everything in a month WD being released before the album never felt necessary it’ll probably come out a week before the album drops tho
  5. Vanilla Icy


    that golden/deluxe/side b of miss A is never coming, she’s obviously moved on from everything related to miss A and that short film will never come hoping this new music that’s apparently coming soon actually comes soon and the album cycle isn’t a mess
  6. banned for joining in 2017 but still being a newbie
  7. there's a feeling of reminiscence in venice bitch tho, she dreams about a life she never got to have whilst the life she has now fades away
  8. yosemite was written in 2015 or 2016 right? one of the first songs she wrote for LFL dance till we die was probably written sometime in october 2019
  9. banned for having no spaces in your display name or member title
  10. 1. White Dress 2. Tulsa Jesus Freak 3. Breaking Up Slowly 4. Dark but Just a Game 5. Yosemite 6. Chemtrails Over the Country Club 7. Wild at Heart 8. Dance Til We Die 9. Not All Who Wander Are Lost 10. For Free 11. Let Me Love You Like A Woman
  11. she really said let me post two pics relating to the song but not do anything else with it
  12. just read a fortune cookie that said this coming friday will be an exciting time for you
  13. i don't mind some country influence on cocc but please she can't do country forever can she
  14. i want a true psychedelic record from her, something very the flaming lips inspired with hazy guitars and synths. an entire record of west coast and venice bitch
  15. i wonder what her next sound will be, we've gotten hip-hopna, rockna, jazzna, trapna, folkna and now countryna
  16. can someone with the album at least give us descriptions of how the songs sound so we have something to talk about
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