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Vanilla Icy

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Everything posted by Vanilla Icy

  1. Vanilla Icy

    Charli XCX

    the documentary poster is so cute
  2. venice bitch and mariners apartment complex don't fit well on NFR in my opinion. they're not incredibly different but they stick out sonically cause they have this folky psychedelic aspect that nothing else on the record has. maybe it's cause they were released together so far from the rest of the album idk
  3. i don't even own a car lol. answered at the same time as you but i do own old home videos on vhs! do you own mace spray
  4. aka hm nfr uv btd paradise lfl
  5. banned for keeping the born to die era more alive than lana herself
  6. banned for banning me for a good reason
  7. banned for banning people for lame reasons
  8. does anyone have the multitracks for the state of dreaming?
  9. nope! do you own something so expensive that you never use because it's so expensive
  10. at this point she should've just made this album a surprise release during early spring her rollouts are always so confusing
  11. Vanilla Icy

    Song vs. Song

    Bartender vs Heroin
  12. Vanilla Icy

    Charli XCX

    charles on a 1975 song .. interesting
  13. yes, faux fur leg warmers! do you own a deep fryer?
  14. BTD can definitely feel dated sometimes, not so much the music itself but everything surrounding the album. that era of tumblr specifically.
  15. change and the greatest are perfect political songs cause they're not too on the nose and they can be interpreted in many different ways based on how you relate to them.
  16. would you consider any of lana's albums or specific songs to sound "dated" or "horribly aged"?
  17. i'm not a fan of it sonically but i think it's actually one of the best written songs on the album, on the verses at least.
  18. amazing artist, her last ep was one of my favorites of the year
  19. Vanilla Icy

    Charli XCX

    can someone link me to the version of bounce that sounds the most final?
  20. Vanilla Icy

    Charli XCX

    would've been one of the biggest and most memorable pop eras of our time
  21. lana has a terrible eye for visual art even since honeymoon when she did that gorgeous photoshoot then chose the worst photo out of the batch for the cover. i always felt like her first 3 album covers were TOO simplistic but HM, NFR and COCC covers all have so much going on with them that it's a bit of an eyesore.
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