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Vanilla Icy

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Everything posted by Vanilla Icy

  1. that ugly ass orange windbreaker is $100 bought that nirvana knockoff shirt tho
  2. got my 8th copy of nfr along with the merch she doesn’t deserve
  3. i’m actually curious on why she got cheek fillers in the first place, not judging her it’s her choice or whatever but she had a really nice slim face shape then i think she started getting them mid 2014 and just got addicted to them
  4. she should’ve just not premiered them. it’s so easy to get a full video before it premieres
  5. the scenery shots are so beautiful rich lee really outdid himself. love who?
  6. Lana has never performed this is what makes us girls live how sad
  7. i tried looking for a link for about 2 minutes i give up
  8. every single leak this era has been because of lana's team or some stupid streaming site releasing it early
  9. even more clips are being uploaded to instagram what a mess
  10. how many times does lana mention partying and dancing on nfr
  11. anyways do you guys think yosemite will be on the album?
  12. jfc nobody here said she was pretending to be poor or a prostitute in the new video only an obvious known troll on twitter
  13. don't be that way don't you pretend nfr isn't coming in 8 days lanaboards is on fire i do believe this thread is coming to an end
  14. didnt say she wasn't playing a character. just in the video she was a homeless prostitute
  15. she’s just in a bar and bartenders aren’t necessarily poor.. she’s just telling a cute story the video doesn’t have to resemble her life lmao she doesn’t actually sing for a ton of millennials on the moon, she didn’t actually dive off a cliff, she doesn’t actually shoot helicopters from her balcony in a bathrobe... actually its gay jailer why am i taking what they say seriously
  16. they could’ve at least kept the “you know what i’m talking about” part in TNBAR fuck
  17. i started to think neon was like the aesthetic of this era but i remembered that's just how lana lives her life
  18. imagine if in the video the painting she does is the album cover that would kinda be cute
  19. doin time is proof that lana can do well with her songs on the radio but her label hates her and only allows summertime sadness every june and july
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