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Vanilla Icy

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Everything posted by Vanilla Icy

  1. why do some of yall care so much about people listening to a leak its been a year we deserve it
  2. how to disappear is gonna be the coachella of this album sweet lyrics with an annoying trap beat
  3. yes you can hook pretty much anything up to a computer now
  4. everyone uses autotune to enhance the vocals and to get rid of any extra noises or cracks it's pretty obvious there was more autotune on btd you can tell with some of the demos compared to the final versions but i think it fit the music since it was pretty pop/trip hop based, the guy who produced video games said he didn't alter her voice at all he just used what she already had recorded
  5. maybe she sang lower to symbolize sadness you can tell even on btd the happier song (radio & lolita) she sings in her higher voice
  6. every song on paradise is sang in her lower register i'm glad she's going back to her higher voice
  7. well lana doesn't sing lower naturally almost all of her lizzy performances she sings in a higher voice but her label made her sing lower to help her image it could've hurt her throat maybe or she just got tired of it also she smokes so that could've had something to do with it
  8. im pretty sure she used a lot more autotune on born to die
  9. okay she's obviously lip syncing "jazz is in my veins" in the video
  10. love song is the most forgettable for me it just doesn't go anywhere its edging you the whole time
  11. that ugly ass orange windbreaker is $100 bought that nirvana knockoff shirt tho
  12. got my 8th copy of nfr along with the merch she doesn’t deserve
  13. i’m actually curious on why she got cheek fillers in the first place, not judging her it’s her choice or whatever but she had a really nice slim face shape then i think she started getting them mid 2014 and just got addicted to them
  14. she should’ve just not premiered them. it’s so easy to get a full video before it premieres
  15. the scenery shots are so beautiful rich lee really outdid himself. love who?
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