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Everything posted by gasstationkween

  1. Gosh these songs are so complex The old Lana banana is backkkkjjj Do you have covid seems like you have no taste
  2. Why yalll being so negative she just randomly dropped lmlylaw like this remember
  3. I loved cocc but I’m so ready for change
  4. You can tell by the swagger and the lips
  5. I need the god damn snippet I’m getting the god damn snippet
  6. I can’t believe I’m actually streaming levitating
  7. Where is she I wonder what she’s been doing I wonder what she’s doing rn
  8. gasstationkween


    Eugh I’m so excited to hear lorde singing about bread and going to barbecues on her new album?
  9. gasstationkween


    You do u bestie
  10. gasstationkween


    I’ve been here for a year bestie with no warning points
  11. gasstationkween


    Get this bitch @melodrama off lanaboards lmao, no one wants to here lordes crusty vocals and recycled beats mod note: user was warned for this post
  12. Harass her menagers so they are pressure her to post something
  13. Yes one of those stans who she adores needs to hit her up
  14. Maybe she had most of it written/recorded and then she sent it Mike dean ‘the finisher’ to polish it all up a bit
  15. Btw somebody who follows blackoutzoned should politely read her to filth
  16. My best bet it’s either going to be her more pop leaning sound with some pretty suprising lyrics with certain revelations about her life or some unexpected vocals
  17. Yall have endlessly discussed all the work she’s gotten done to her face so if you we are going by that...then no but Idk I was just curious I apologise if it was offensive
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