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Everything posted by gasstationkween

  1. I’m actually really upset by this she could lose a lot of fans for this
  2. As an Irish person I’m incredibly offended
  3. All the time. I set the music industry on fire what’s your favourite colour?
  4. Who’s older than her lmao...Chuck Charlie clay younger than her most of her friends are around her age. Nikki for example is two years older than her. It would be strange for her to be hanging with people in their early 20s.
  5. Acting like an old woman ok....so dumb....if even she’s a lil immature for her age
  6. If you were really concerned about her you could have done in a more delicate way. I don’t really think it’s fair to pass judgement on weight though, it’s certainly NOT something that we talk about where I’m from
  7. Wait she’s smoking again
  8. If she is doing something country esque on these upcoming records - I would love to hear something like ghost town by first aid kit
  9. Omg. Don’t ever make a comment about weight disgusting
  10. Same old negative bitches on here- always the same gals
  11. This is the first time I felt kindof sad when she broke up with someone
  12. We need some summertime the Gershwin version vocals on this album
  13. Hear me out BTD big era Uv slightly more low-key honeymoon more low-key than uv Lfl big era nfr slightly more low-key cocc more low-key than nfr so that means... rcs...big eraaaaa
  14. Why does everyone want her back with Barry he seemed toxic af
  15. I hope her n clay aren’t broken up he seemed like a keeper
  16. Maybe it will be rock with some country influences and inflections in her voice tbh I’d be down and she could definitely pull it off well
  17. Maybe it will be a happy medium and will a honeymoon
  18. Lana follows my moods I swear when Chemtrails got released I was happy in love at peace and in a very reflective mood, something significant happened today that set me on fire I’m so angry rn and I need an angry an album
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