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Everything posted by gasstationkween

  1. Bully me then ! ??? yall fucken jealous of this booty n brain Come for me mawma come light my menorah mawma
  2. In dis lipsters thing can I cutest and smartest member
  3. Cmon shoshi @lustforlifehey mama wanna spill more tea I have a cup here and I know you got a piping hot pot that needs emptied
  4. U tell em lust sweaty werk mama fave tea spiller much Betts than eclipse or miss zoned out of the black
  5. You and I iii ridin harleys in hawaiii aiii
  6. I guess we will see if the rehab stuff is true if there’s no fan selfies for awhile
  7. Sophie be real mad wtf loona where’s blue bonnets I need it now henny, jack antonoff ain’t no god either henny he’s just a about average motha so wind ur neck in
  8. Scat on the boardz Cum on my bussy blue banisters out soon
  9. They Betta not or i will get em? It’s apromise no mothafucking threat
  10. This bussy charges credit, and now Lana is Charging yall for the shit yall gave huh so EAT IT
  11. Pussy on Xanax- we love to see it (interlude) Hidden tract - from your fave insider - gestational o kween
  12. Jared go eat grass and don’t come for mothAs iconic galaxy ? mind
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