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Everything posted by kraljicabenzinske

  1. not some of yall being mad about a 35 year old woman not wanting to sing to you about her pussy anymore... let it go
  2. lmfao I can't. which one of you delulu queens works at Pitchfork
  3. I get where you're coming from but does an artist have any other choice today? We live in a climate where saying or doing one single "wrong" thing that someone doesn't like could cost your whole career getting cancelled. Name someone who didn't have a "scandal" in the last 2 years. Today you either do what the mob wants you to do or get out of the business. If I were a public person, I'd too just say what they want me to say to get the paycheck. I feel like it's the times that have changed and Lana chaged with them as well.... Lana from BTD or Ultraviolence era probably wouldn't survive on the scene for too long today.. hell even 10 years ago there were attempts to discredit her and shut her down... now that she has a much bigger name she has to plase people if she wants to keep it... and it's sad
  4. Possible song titles based on her tweets 1. Country At Heart 2. Lives Between State Borders and States Of Mind 3. Sociopathy And Narcissism In America 4. We did it Joe 5. Suck it 6. When You Know What You Don’t Want You Know What You Do Want 7. At The Back Of The Stadium 8. Haikus 9. 12:12 10. So Damn Hot Tonight 11. Sand On My Lips 12. Thank You Lord 13. Little Lennon 14. Make A Wish manifesting WYKWYDWYKWYDW isn't another hope... LBSBASOM, SI, ATBOTS and SDHT sound like they could fit into ultraviolence, so I'm manifesting that!!!! and ASNIA and WDIJ will probably be question for the culture in a mp3 format
  5. fags on twitter: OMG I MET LANAAAA TODAYYYK SKSKFJEKFSKSJ fags when they stood in front of her and had to ask her the real questions:
  6. I did mine really quickly because honestly it lasts too long and I lost attention but the results were mostly accurate I'd say (except for Chelsea idk how she got into Top 20)
  7. her singing style reminds me of Love Song and Hope at some parts Again I would because, babe, in the end -> It all comes down to make the sound of our love song The cameras have flashes, they cause the car crashes -> I had fifteen-year dances, Church basement romances idk this was just my first impression when I first heard the song. I imidiatelly picked up LS and Hope because of the similar rhythm and the way she sings
  8. the way I am now a Wild at Heart stan first and human second after I shat on the song in a post a few days ago ugh her mind, she is so powerful she copied her own three songs anyways I LEFT CALABASAS ESCAPED ALL THE ASHES
  9. chile it's probably a whole-ass song title LBSBASOM confirmed
  10. so she ate whatever this is and decided to write an album about it? honestly....her mind
  11. come on luv we already started the countdowns JUMP ON THE DELULU TRAIN
  12. okay fuck it I'm in IN START THE COUTDOWNNS!!!! 73 DAYS UNTIL RCS
  13. I just saw her Facebook story what the hell, what's going on also june 1st is not happening we know that OKAY? okay
  14. are you refering to the well-deserving iconic winner
  15. her next album needs to be produced by whichever twitter stan "leaked" that the lyrics of second part of Love Song were going to be "In your cock, in your cock, in your cockpit I'm your baby"
  16. So far I'm enjoying the second season of UK so much better. Ginny's self elimination, the corona situation, the Eurovision episode, queens not holding back the drama - it's so chaotic I love it. However I was so disappointed to see Veronica go because she was my top 3 and I even saw her winning. My top 3 for now are Lawrence, Tayce and maybe Ellie or Tia. Season 13 - mehhh... I only watch for Rose, Denali and Olivia. Symone is all right too. The favoritism of the winners circle is so obvious (especially with Kandy, Gottmik and Tina) and it throws me off completely... I hate how in recent seasons you can see right at the begining who's making it to the finale and never lipsyncing no matter how badly they flop at some challenges. Makes the show so predictable and less interesting. Anyways, fingers crossed that snatch game and rusical won't be crap
  17. I see this topic is dead and I don't really follow ESC this year either, but I just watched my country's (Croatia) national finals and this one won: I know it's not the best, but compared to everything else, it was the only reasonable option... The show was really crap with barely 2-3 normal songs.... So what do you guys think?
  18. they needed a fat positivity character. None of the original girls is overwight so they just took Flora, made her overweight and changed her name to Terra to avoid backlash. If they didn't do that, you know that everyone would complain that the cast is too skinny. There's no winning today because whatever they did, someone would be offended. They didn't have other choice but to sacrifice Flora as a victim of the forced inclusivity on today's television And Tecna probably got cut off due to low budget. She's probably the least popular but I remmeber how much her technical knowlege alwas helped the group, like whatever they had to find, the bitch would always pull up the coordinates or some shit. Miss Essential. The original show obviuosly hated her because she always got the least screentime and the least stroylines so they though we wouldn't care abouth her being gone the fact that her biggest storyline was when she temporarly died in season 3 the most maltreated character in the whole show's franchise
  19. It was worth the watch for me. Yeah it has its downsides and I would have done some thing differently but it's still a great show. It wouldn't hurt giving it a chance and as you can see by what other people say, it gets better by the finale and a lot of things get cleared up. Also I had no idea World of Winx Season 3 was coming! Actually I don't see any official confirmations online. I only know Season 9 is confirmed and that they plan to change the format to a 10-15 minute episode and make it even more childlish.... It's so sad to see that the original series has no intention of going back to what it once was. I thought there was a chance for that since Nickelodeon is now out of the picture, but it's only getting worse...
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