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Everything posted by Distantly

  1. It’s beautiful lsd but maybe for the next album we can manifest. I’m not seeing it on this one ?
  2. I’m predicting White Dress as a contender for Song of the Year and TJF as Record of the Year. Maybe COCC AOTY but let’s focus on these singles this time.
  3. I watched this movie last summer because someone on here (maybe it was you @VioletPrincess?) had their signature as just a gif of Elaine staring. I did a reverse google image search of it and found the movie. It sounded interesting and, oh it was! Anyways I recommend and it is def a lovely witchy movie. If you liked the LFL trailer and wanted LFL to be a witchy album like the title track demo was, you’ll probably enjoy this movie!
  4. The way I didn’t even wanna double tap ?
  5. I have no clue what’s going on with Lana on tik tok/Lana cult/bible burning cause I simply don’t care but the irony isn’t lost on me that this is happening on tik tok right after she made an account and right before TJF’s release. The biblical controversy mixed with (hopefully) some label backed TJF tik tok promo all within a month? A hit song and album are upon us besties. ? Do we smell a platinum album by June ladies???
  6. Risk that either Adele or drake are dropping and we just gotta hope they don’t til April or after ?
  7. I knew it ??? played myself anyways I put in a cancel request for my sound of vinyl PD and hopefully that goes through soon so I can get the Walmart one ?
  8. One month until Yosemite cult, LITERALLY a cult, is getting the song 5 years later? who deserves more?
  9. I fully support this and now am considering doing the same on the 26th then not listening again til album release
  10. A GAY CAN DREAM OMG Yeah I’d imagine that’s the case, probably wanted to include it in the same issue as the interview
  11. Same kween and I bet it is. It probably didn’t fit the album or was too much so that tells me whatever it is, is iconic and I want it ? hopefully for next album maybe
  12. So since TJF is confirmed WHF, I just wann know what (and why?) that 12th song title was that didn’t make the album along with dealer. I need to know ? eclipse please if you can ?
  13. I agree that it doesn’t sound like L.A. and more of an ugh sound, but, we know how she can be with pronunciations lmao. It probably isn’t L.A. but I remember the “leaked” lyrics that were surely fake having a line in them like “California’s not for you” at the end of the song and that’s what made me think it’s L.A. lol even though the lyrics were fake
  14. whoops, thanks, well hopefully we get it this week or maybe with the WD release cause it's the last variant and I'm anxious to see what it's a picture of!!
  15. According to that leaked list we were at some point supposed to get the third PD today. Obviously a lot of those dates changed/were wrong but I think some ended up being accurate, and all the items were fully accurate. You guys think we’ll get something in the next few hours?
  16. I actually do find the title track to be very sunny. Maybe it’s the music videos influence as most of that was bright and sunny, but even the way the song abruptly starts “I’m on the run, with you my Sweeettt love” the way it’s sung and the light instrumental reminds me of a chill pool day in August LMLYLAW feels kinda the opposite though lol
  17. Love the pic but “country at Heart” no ma’am I will not be heart buttoning
  18. I’m just so curious, you Electra and dominik all have a variation of the same profile pic/gif and I just wanna know what it even is lmao, if you care to share Anyways I definitely don’t think she was talking about Madonna. She’s usually very professional and doesn’t name drop bad things like that, so if it was Madonna I don’t think she’d have mentioned that it was her manager
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