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Everything posted by WaitForLife

  1. Yes it's normal for Xmas albums to come out in October. Carrie did it, Colbie did it even Jessie did it.
  2. I'm too busy listening to Kelly's new Xmas album until BB comes out.
  3. less new songs mean she is kind of burned out. It looks like she needs a break to get a vision or theme to write about.
  4. Not really but so many outtakes is strange. Since NFR she kind of wants to include unreleased songs instead of new ones. It worries me a lot. Kind of. Since COTCC dropped I kind of disappeared.
  5. No, she owns them already. What's the point of it? She gets her money from selling the original one.
  6. I don't listen to AKA and Paradise at all.
  7. We don't hate it, we hate the featured artists on it. Lana Solo Version is light years better.
  8. I'm obsessed with BB and WW. Text Book aged like milk.
  9. WaitForLife

    Carly Rae Jepsen

    Yes, she made some bad choices for Dedicated Side B
  10. She must love our pre-release threads. Sometimes I want to have more time with the post-release threads but then she always teases the next album.
  11. I wonder if she will announce the next album before this one is out.
  12. Happy Birthday LFL. It's crazy that this album brought many new fans.
  13. Jack better leak some NFR unreleased songs.
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