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Everything posted by WaitForLife

  1. Will she go blonde again or does the colour wash out?
  2. What I don't like about the OP is that white is in brackets like she only has white people who listen to her. Please don't be homophobe or racist. Lana loves all of her fans and is aware of it.
  3. THE NFR! TOUR (in no real order): Video Games Summertime Sadness Ride West Coast High By The Beach Love Norman Fucking Rockwell Mariners Apartment Complex Cinnamon Girl Fuck It I Love You Doin' Time The Greatest Love Song Bartender Hapiness Is A Butterfly California/The Blackest Day/Heroin (Medley) Venice Bitch
  4. At least she performed Bartender. I hope she adds more NFR songs and cut some LFL songs like TNC and Cherry.
  5. WaitForLife

    Tove Lo

    I don't really like this album. Some great songs but totally ugly ones too. My ranking so far: 1. Queen Of The Clouds 2. Blue Lips 3. Lady Wood 4. Sunshine Kitty
  6. WaitForLife

    Tove Lo

    So far: SMH > GHG > BATB > RDLY > J
  7. WaitForLife

    Song vs. Song

    Terrence Loves You vs Pretty When You Cry
  8. 1. UV 2. HM 3. NFR! 3. BTD 4. Paradise 5. AKA 6. LFL nothing changed that much
  9. WaitForLife

    Song vs. Song

    The Blackest Day vs Heroin
  10. WaitForLife

    Song vs. Song

    The Blackest Day vs California
  11. 200 pages is a lot and we still have a pre-release thread that needs more pages.
  12. Norman fucking Rockwell - 21 Mariners Apartment Complex - 21 Venice Bitch - 24 California - 21 + The greatest - 6 - Bartender - 50
  13. The video is cute. All looked good (finally Miley has good hair). It's a shame it's mostly a Ariana song. The instrumental should've been darker for me but again it's Ariana's song. I wonder if it will boost Lana's sales for NFR!.
  14. Norman fucking Rockwell - 22 Mariners Apartment Complex - 20 Venice Bitch - 23 Cinnamon Girl - 6 - California - 19 The greatest - 12 + Bartender - 41
  15. Norman fucking Rockwell - 22 Mariners Apartment Complex - 20 Venice Bitch - 22 Cinnamon Girl - 13 - California - 21 The Greatest - 14 + Bartender - 30
  16. Lip syncing is when you can't hear the real voice of the singer but in Lana's case you can still hear her voice sometimes so it's less problematic.
  17. Because Hope Is A Dangerous Thing For A Fan Like Me To Have - But I Have It.
  18. The BBC Live Lounge was good but I hate that the background vocals / playback was too loud.
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