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Everything posted by DeadSeaOfMercury

  1. First track of Dua Lipa’s S/T & Justice’s Cross: Genesis. Miguel is on S/T & Justice’s Hyperdrama. Tame Impala is involved with both Radical Optimism & Hyperdrama… WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?!?
  2. She keeps talking about 97, It’s a sign…
  3. Have you seen people with the Blue/White split vinyl?
  4. It just hit me what the aesthetic reminds me of a little!
  5. I just saw the album is 41:14, And she’s 41! Her Mind…
  6. I just realized since I ordered the signed copy, I’m probably going to have to wait a while for it to ship…
  7. You didn’t miss out, You just don’t have to wait for all of it to be released! And I was like -3 for TDS…
  8. This album is Perfect. - It’s odd, Somehow Violent Times reminds me of Dawn & The Afternoon by The Moody Blues - Don’t ask me why…
  9. I haven’t looked at them all yet, BUT I SOMEHOW FORGOT The Downward Spiral & Superunknown!!! I’ve Failed…
  10. Any albums you love released on the same day? Just some I can think of, Grimes’ Miss Anthropocene & Allie X’s Cape God “Which I happened to receive both records early!” Lana’s DYK & Depeche Mode’s Memento Mori “2 of my absolute favorite artists fighting for #1 in the uk” And Today Justice’s Hyperdrama & St. Vincent’s All Born Screaming Discuss…
  11. The way I went on Spotify & First thing I see is “New Single - The End”… Like Just shut up Thundercat - THIS ISNT THE END
  12. Have you heard Cruel, I Prefer Your Love, Fast Slow Disco & Live In The Dream?
  13. I just realized she’s no longer on Loma Vista? And it seems Total Pleasure is her’s under Virgin? Tove Lo & Annie being Boss Ass Bitches!
  14. Still watching, But referencing The Downward Spiral & Prodigy - Love Her
  15. I read this in Britney Spears’ voice…
  16. Well, I found it odd at first listen. But I was thinking of Sophie’s songs / production & I kinda took this as perhaps Sophie wouldn’t want a sad ballad/something more danceable?
  17. Really an amazing album, Not like I doubted her or anything. My only complaint is I want more…
  18. looks delicious, I tried finding an image but no luck, When I was little there were flat/round half white & blue lollipops - just like this record. Like part of my mind is unlocking or something. She looks pretty good too…
  19. Though still on the creepy side, I’d love if a group of local fans did go there. Not to interact with her or be noticed, Just to make sure nobody messes with her. I know she has security…
  20. About had a heart attack thinking she was driving the Mercedes. Do we know when the last time was we saw her with it?
  21. She did just get that Coachella check…
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