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Everything posted by Lentilus

  1. Omg @The Stargirl Pinky they tried to diss you by tagging you in that. Jokes on them because this just made you even more iconic. The first leak in this era.
  2. Can y'all insiders stfu and just leak a damn snippet.
  3. The song is definitely gonna be a synth god tier song produced by Mike Dean. Bye
  4. Guys we gotta think of something artsy but also something possible cliché that Lana would definitely use for a song title. Think of Rue and her sparkling, watery color eye makeup that she has in the Euphoria promo poster.
  5. Remember when Lana said she wanted a painted music video? I hope this is the song we get it for using watercolors as an asthetic.
  6. OMG THAT WEBSITE...... CHECK IT HOES There's nothing but delusion
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